Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,126 in my journey through life.

Today is Thursday, May 31, 2012 - a rainy day and cool with temps in the 50s.  Again,  I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."
This morning I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked 40 minutes = 2.2 miles for a May total of 69 miles.I had to walk inside Walmart because of the rain.
I feel a need to say "I'm grateful " again  for what happened over night and this morning- we got close to an inch of rain.  The farmers were starting to get concerned as we have not had measureable rain for over a month. According to news reports they were especially concerned about their soybeans getting off to a good start. This inch of rain will help a lot. I'm grateful that Mother Nature came through.

I watched the last two hours of "The Hatfields and McCoys" last night. I found the six-hour show very interesting and I learned a lot about both families and the culture of the day in Appalachia in the 1870s and 1880s. The vendetta between the families lasted more than a dozen years and cost the lives of more than a dozen people. Was one family more responsible than the other? My initial feeling was that the Hatfields were more to blame than the McCoys. But I came to the conclusion that both sides did their share of continuing to cause problems. The just wouldn't let it go. And booze played a big part - there was a lot of boozing in those days. - especially on election days. Old Man "Old Ranel"McCoy died in 1914 and Old Man "Devil Anse" Hatfield in 1921.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,125 in my journey through life.

Today is Wednesday, May 30, 2012 is is a cool and windy day with highs in the 60s. I'm grateful again for another day of "I'm HIV."

I did no exercises or walk this morning. I spent an hour watering the veggie garden and the three flower gardens. We've not had a good soaker rain for many weeks. The ground is so dry it is cracking.

MY THOUGHTS TODAY. On Monday and Tuesday nights I watched the first two episodes of the PBS special on "The Hatfields and McCoys." The final two hours are on tonight. I've done quite a bit of research on this family feud so I pretty much know what is going to happen next.  It is a true story set in the Appalachian Mountains on the West Virginia/Kentucky border. The Hatfields lived in West Virginia and McCoys lived in Kentucky. The time is post Civil War with most of the violence taking place in the 1870s and 1880s.  I'm really looking forward to the final two hours tonight.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Days 26,123 and 26,124 in my journey through life.

Day 26,123 (Monday - Memorial Day) was spent at the Isle of Capri Casino/Hotel in Waterloo. On Sunday I came out $24.00 to the good - today I did not come out ahead.

Today is Tuesday, May 28, 2012, (day 26,124),  it is a windy blustery day and a bit cool. We got home from Waterloo about 12:30 pm. There was no gambling this morning. Even though we both lost a little when you figure we got free rooms for two nights and three free meals it really softens the gambling losses. If we had to pay for the rooms and the meals we actually came out ahead.

This morning in the hotel room we watched Michelle Obama on "The View." It is a delight to see her. She is so bright and articulate and inspiring to listen to. She was asked about racism in America and she really doesn't want to talk about it. She did dwell on her "Get Moving America" campaign, her vegetable garden on the south side of the White House, and her efforts to get America's kids to start eating more nutritious food. How anybody cannot like her is beyond me - regardless of  political beliefs. As an American I'm proud to have Michelle as our "First Lady."

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,122 in my journey through life.

Today is Sunday, May 27, 2012 - a sunny, hot and humid day with temps in the 90s. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

Thsi mornng I took an 18 minute walk = 1.0 miles for a May total of 62.5 miles. My weight was at 161.8 pounds.

I went to 8 am church and then to coffee. I talked to my buddy Darvin, the 92 year old. He was in the hospital this past week suffering from simply feeling punk. The doctors gave him all kinds of tests but could find nothing wrong. So they sent him home. I think he is depressed. Anyway, we had some good laughs as Paul Lewison and I said that the gossip all over town was that he was flirting with the nurses and his 88 year-old girlfriend was really ticked off. He thought that was pretty funny but he did say that she was at the hospital everyday to visit him. Good for her and for him - his girlfriend gives him something to live for.

We are going to Waterloo today to spend two nights at the Isle of Capri casino-hotel. We have free rooms and a couple free meals so if we lose a little we won't have to feel bad. If we win I will divulge the winnings and if we lose I will not divulge.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,121 in my journey through life.

Today is Saturday, May 26, 2012 - a cool breezy day - Hey, we actually got some rain last night - about half an inch. Not enough but it is better than none. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."
This morning I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked 45 minutes = 2.5 miles for a May total of 61.5 miles. My weight stayed at 162.0 pounds.

MY THOUGHTS TODAY have to do with something that is very upestting to me.

In the morning paper there was a column labeled   - MONEY: Average CEO earns $9.6 millioa a year.
The AP article said it's source was EQUILAR, an executive research firm. CEO pay was up more than 6% from the previous year and is the second year in a row of increases.

HOW LONG WOULD IT TAKE OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH?  A minimum wage worker would have to work 636 years to make that much. A person making the national average salary would have to work 244 years to make the median CEO salary.

CEO PAY BY THE HOUR WOULD BE: If you assume the CEO works a 60-hour week, the pay comes to $3,072.84 per hour, or $51.21 per minute.

THE AVERAGE JOE: The median pay for U.S. workers was about $39,300 past year. That was up 1% from the year before, not enough to keep pace with inflation.

WHICH COMPANIES PAY CEOs THE MOST AND LEAST?  CEOs running health care companies made the most ($10.8 million). Those running utilities made the least ($7 million). I find that quite interesting, no wonder health care CEOs are fighting Obamacare - these poor fellows  might lose a million or two.

And now the conservatives are trying to bust all the unions in this country. The unions are what brought America a "middle class." I guess the millionaires and billionaires want everybody to get back to a minimum wage with no health insurance or pensions. Then they can add many more millions to their annual salary. What a future America has if the the conservatives take over in November. No wonder we are seeing "occupiers" on Wall Street and other cities - we'll be seeing more if they get their way in the years ahead.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,120 in my journey through life.

Today is Friday, May 25, 2012 - a cloudy day but still no rain - there was no rain last night. The Waterloo area got several inches but we had none. I'm grateful - "I'm HIV" again.
This morning  I did yoga, lifted weights and walked 51 minutes = 2.7 miles for a May total of 59.0 miles. My weight was at 162.0 pounds.
MY THOUGHTS TODAY. This morning I read a "GUEST COLUMN" by John Sheda, pastor of Living Water Church in Independence, Iowa. The gist of the article was his words of advice to kids graduating from elementary school, high school and college. Here is what he had to say:
So to all you graduates, here's this old man's advice. (This is inspiring.)
1. First and foremost, be kind. Open doors for people, use words like "please, thank you, I'm sorry" and  "you look nice today." Kindness will open many doors in your lifetime.
2. Friends come and go over the years, but family sticks around. Love your family.
3. Be cognizant during any conversation how many times you use the word "I."
4. Remember, you are not the center of the universe. Not even close.
5. You don't always get to have your way in life.
6. Stop blaming others, making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself. Your life is your choice.
7. Sometimes you can't do anything about the "winds of change." But you can adjust "the sails."
8. Every once in a while add up how much money you're frittering away. You will be surprised.
9. A good money management rule: 10% to yourself; 10% to charity; 80% to live on.
10. No one cares if you can't dance. So what. Get up and dance anyway.
11. Every single day of your life, help someone who has no way of repayment.
12. Learn from the people who have been there and done that. Then, you be that person to others.
13. Live your life so the preacher won't have to lie at your fineral.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - DAy 26,119 in my journey through life.

Today is Thursday, May 24, 2012 - still another nice day but maybe we have even better  news - we may get rain this afternoon. I'm gratefdul for another day of "I'm HIV."

This morning I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked 45 minutes through the State Park = 2.5 miles for a May total of 56.3 miles. My weight was at 161.6 pounds.

I LEARNED SOMETHING NEW TODAY: I always read the TODAY IN HISTORY column. I'm a history nut so whatever  happened on this day in history I enjoy knowing about it. A couple of things caught my attention.

1. On May 24, 1937, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of FDR's  Social Security Act of 1935. Can you imagine what this country would be like if they had  ruled the opposite. It has been a lifesaver for millions of American the last 70 years. And now we are seeing the same thing  happening with Obama's Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court will rule on it in June. It will be interesting to see if we go forward or go backwards in achieving health care for America's people.

2. On May 24, 1935, the first major league baseball game to be played at night took place at Cincinnati's Crosley Field. The Reds won 2-1 over the Phillies. I'm also a baseball nut so this caught my attention.  By the way, the last team to get lights was the Cubs (in the 1980s I think)- it is kind of fitting since the word "last" pretty much describes the Chicago Cubs organizarion.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,118 in my journey through life.

Today is Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - it is cool with 20-30 mph wind gusts. WE NEED RAIN. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

This morning I did yoga, lifted weights and walked 45 minutes = 2.5 miles for a May total of 53.8 miles. My weight was at 161.8 pounds.

Yesterday I went golfing with Paul Lewison and Paul Pinney. I started out with a bogey, then a double bogey, then a bogey and then a par. Then I went to hell. I got 4 over on hole 5 and 3 0ver on hole 6, a double bogey on 7 and 8 and a bogey on 9. I had a 52. Sometimes I wonder why I keep playing this game. I guess it has to do with being outdoors and enjoying the company. It sure isn't my golf game.

Today I'm going to work on my Luther College 50th Reunion stuff. They have a questionnaire for me to fill out and, of course, they want money .I want to get it done so I don't have to think about it anymore. The Reunion is in October.

On May 23, 1934, Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker were shot to death in a police ambush in Bienville, La.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,117 in my journey through life.

Today is Tuesday, May 22,2012 - sunny with highs in the 80s. We need rain more than ever. I'm grateful again for another day of "I'm HIV."

This morning I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked 45 minutes = 2.5 miles for a May total of 51.3 miles. My weight was 162.2 pounds.

TODAY IN HISTORY: This one caught my eye when reading the Today in History column this morning. "After a reign lasting nearly 30 years, Johnny Carson hosted NBC's 'Tonight Show' for the last time on May 22, 1992." I can't beleive it has been 20 years since Carson went off the air. When I was younger and could keep my eyes open past 10:30  I would watch him a lot. And my Mom, in her later years, would faithfully watch Johnny every night. After raising 9 kids from the time she was 23 until Mark, the last one, left home home when she was age 60, that woman deserved some time to herself to just stay up as late as she wanted and enjoy Johnny Carson. She didn't have to worry about  crying babies, sick kids, or teen-agers doing stupid things - she could just relax and laugh along with Johnny.

She had some pretty good years in her 60s and 70s but by the time she hit the 80s her health began failing. In her 70s she had had both legs amputated below the knees due to diabetes. She could get around with prosthetic legs but it was a struggle. When she would go to bed she would take off her artificial legs, set them beside the bed, put on a hair net and keep her coke bottle glasses on to watch Johnny. I asked her once if she was ever afraid that someone  would break in the house and rob her. She said, "If anybody came in here to rob me, they'd take one look at me with no legs and these thick glasses and they would run away real fast." Even with the condition she was in she still had a good sense of humor. She went into the nursing home around age 80 and lived  until she was one week shy of her 87th birthday. She died on November 20, 1991 - it was my 51st birthday.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Days 26,115 and 26,116 in my journey through life.

Day 26,115 was Sunday, May 20, 2012. With Carron along we went to Ames, Iowa, on the Iowa State University campus, to see Carron's daughter and our granddaughter ( Ellen and husband Ryan) at their apartment. We went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant and then took a tour of the campus. Iowa State has a very nice campus - I was impressed. (There was no walk today.)
Today is Monday, May 21, 2012, day 26,116 - another nice day with sun and temps in the 70s. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV. This morning I lifted weights and walked 37 minutes - 2.0 miles for a May total of 48.8 miles.
CAN YOU IMAGINE? or WOULD YOU BELIEVE? After reading Mike Hlas' sports column in this morning's Gazette the previous capitalized thoughts came to mind. Yesterday, in Newton, Iowa, there was a NASCAR race. There was something different about this race in that there was an 18-year-old African-American kid driving one of the cars. His name is Darrel "Bubba" Wallace Jr. NASCAR has been almost a 100% lily-white sport forever. I say almost because there was a black guy, named Walter Scott,  who won the 1963 NASCAR Grand National (now Sprint Cup) race in Jacksonville, Florida. It remains the only victory by an African-American in stock car racing's top circuit.
But there is more to the story. And this is where my "CAN YOU IMAGINE?" and WOULD YOU BELIEVE?" words come into play. When the 1963 race in Jacksonville ended, a white guy, named Buck Baker, was declared the winner and was given the trophy. The only trouble was that Buck was two laps behind when Walter Scott, the black guy, crossed the finish line. Hours after the race ended, NASCAR officials told Scott what he already knew. Which was that he had won. Now listen to this - the NASCAR officials declared the white guy the winner because there were fears the crowd would riot if a black man was given the victory.
THE GOOD NEWS IS TWO THINGS:  1. NASCAR is now actively recruiting African-Americans and other minorities to get into racing.  2. We have made some progress in America in the past 50 years in regard to race relations and in regard to justice and fairness for all Americans.
(By the way, Bubba Wallace came in 9th yesterday - pretty good for an 18-year-old.)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,114 in my journey through life.

Today is Saturday, May 19, 2012 - again it is a a sunny warm day (but we still need rain). I'm grateful for another day of "I;m HIV."
This morning I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked 54 minutes = 3.0 miles for a May total of 46.8 miles. My weight went up to 161.6 pounds.

MY THOUGHTS FOR TODAY. In Friday's paper the headline was; "Minority babies now in majority." My first thought was about the white-skinned older conservative elements of our society and how they would react to those headlines. I'm sure it was not positive because it is what they have been afraid of for many years, e.g. that white people will no longer be the majority in the U.S. and that blacks, Hispanics and Asians will take over this country.

Here are the reasons for the population shift in AMERICA:  The white population in the U.S. is getting older and producing fewer white kids while the younger members of our nation are younger and producing more kids, especially among the Hispanics. The median age for whites in America is 42 while the median age for Hispanics is 28 - which means they are in their prime childbearing years. Blacks and Asians have median ages in their early 30s. Minorities now make up 37%of the U.S. population. The Census Bureau forecasts that by 2042 non-Hispanics whites will be outnumbered in the U.S. by Hispanics, blacks and Asians.

My reaction was about the opposite - here's why. One way we can get rid (or at least reduce it) of racism is for all people to be somewhat the same color. Brazil and other Latin American countries are mainly brown-toned people. It is a result of intermarriage between the white-skinned Spanish and Portugese and the Indians and the slaves. And racism is not a major problem in those nations. So maybe someday, probably several hundred years, we will see an American population that is more brown toned and then we can discard the 'N" word from our vocabulary. It's worth a thought.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,113 in my journey through life.

Today is Friday, May 18, 2012 - and another nice sunny day but the fsarmers tell me they need rain. Most of them have their crops planted but to get off to a good start they need RAIN. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

This morning I did yoga, lifted weights and walked 36 minutes = 2.0 miles for a May total of 43.8 miles. And my weight went down to 160.4 pounds - I haven't been at that weight since the summer of 2003. From January to July of  2003  I lost 36 pounds - going from 195 to 159. My doctor told me not to lose too much so I put 4-5 pounds back on and have been around 165 pounds since that time. So I've lost 9 pounds since returning from San Francisco in March. I do feel good at 160.

KARL ROVE AND DEE DEE MYERS. Last night we went with Paul and Verna Lewison to Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, to listen to a discussion between two opposites; Karl from the right and Dee Dee Myers from the left. Karl is everything I have always thought about him, he is very intelligent but a smart-ass with a big mouth. He has an amazing ability to only use the facts that suit his point of view. I thought Dee Dee could have nailed him several times with some of his answers but she was the more civil of the two. She is also very intelligent and a good speaker with reasoned answers and not nearly as brazen as Karl.  Some things I wish they would have talked about was George W. Bush's legacy and the new voter ID laws. But neither was even mentioned. But Karl sure had a lot to say about Obama and it was not positive. The moderator was a Cornell College political science professor - he did a good job.. Anyway, it was a fun night and an educational one.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,112 in my journey through life.

Today is Thursday, May 17, 2012 - yet another beautiful day. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

This morning I did yoga, the exercise ball, and walked 54 minutes = 3.0 miles for a May total of 41.8 miles. My weight was at 162.6 pounds.

My one accomplishment today was getting the lawn mowed. My next one is to play a round of golf. My third is to go see Karl Rove and DeeDee Myers at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon tonight. That should be very interesting. I'm not a fan of Rove but I'm a big fan of DeeDee.

Ruth Ann and I have a special connection to DeeDee. When Up With People was in Anamosa in 1983 DeeDee's sister, Betsy, and a gal from England were here for three weeks to do advance promotion for the Up With People show. We got to know Betsy very well and she was a fun gal. So if we get a chance to talk to DeeDee tonight we'll ask her what Betsy is doing these days. DeeDee was President Clinton' press secretary for his first two years. And Betsy worked in the Clinton White House doing something with womaen's rights and issues. We're lookingforward to it. Will let you know tomorrow what happens at Cornell tonight.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,111 in my journey through life.

Today is Wednesday, May 16, 2012 - and it is another perfect day with sunshine and temps around 80 degrees. The only thing we need now is some rain - the farmers have their crops in and they really need some moisture so the seeds can take off. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."
This morning I did yoga, lifted weights and walked 54 minutes = 3.0 miles for a May total of 38.8 miles. My weights was at 162.4 pounds.
WHAT I LEARNED TODAY. With President Obama coming out in favor of same sex marriage a Kansas City reporter, named Mary Sanchez, was motivated to write a column about previous marital discrimination in the U.S. She wrote about a couple, named Mildred and Richard Loving,  from Washington D.C. who got married in 1958 and moved back to their native Virginia. This should not have a been a problem except Mildred was of African-American and American Indian heritage and Richard was a white man. When they moved to Virginia they were in trouble. The reason being that Virginia had a law on the books that said blacks could not marry white people. So one night Sheriff's deputies barged into their home, hoping to find them in the midst of a sex act, which was also illegal between the races in Virginia - instead they found them sleeping in bed. But the evidence of their marriage certificate became the basis for charging the couple with the felony of being an interracial couple in the state of Virginia.
So what happened? It was good news. In 1967 the U.S. Supreme Court struck down and banned all antimiscegenation laws in all 50 states. Whites and blacks could now legally get married in all 50 states  Mary, the author of the article,  went on to make the point that the Supreme Court may have to do the same thing with same-sex marriage.
In 2007, on the 40th anniversary of that Supreme Court decision Mildred issued these words. "I believe all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have that same freedom to marry. Government has no business imposing some people's religious beliefs over others. Especially if it denies people's civil rights."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

te Bungum's BLOG - Day 26.110 in my journey through life.

Today is Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - it is another perfect day with sun and temps right at 80 degrees. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

This morning I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked for 27 minutes = 1.5 miles for a May total of 35.8 miles. My weight went down to 162.0 pounds. I stopped and had a cup of coffee with Carron and Dave in the middle of my walk so that's why I didn't get in my usual 2-3 miles.

MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS TODAY - not much!!!!!   I played golf with Paul Lewison and instead of playing best shot we palyed our own game. I shot a 52 and Paul a 51. I really had some good drives and some good three-wood shots on the fairways. My biggest weaknesses are chipping and putting. I just can't concentrate when using the wedge or nine or eight irons. I need to practice more on those clubs. To give you an example I put the ball two feet off the putting edge on my third shot on hole 6. Guess what? I ended up with a 7 - I dubbed my chip and then 3-putted. Plus I missed two putts that were 3-4 footers on two other holes. That's why I need to practice on my short game.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,109 in my journey through life.

Today is Monday,May 14, 2012 - it is a perfect sunny day with temps around 80. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

This morning I arose at 5:45am , did yoga, lifted weights and walked for 54 minutes = 3.0 miles for a May total of 34.3 miles. My weight went to 162.8 pounds.

MY ACCOMPLISHMENT THIS MORNING: I planted our little 8' by 16' vegetable garden. I didn't get it done on Saturday so it was postponed until today. I planted 2 hills of cucumbers, 12 feet of onions, and 30 hills of potatoes. That's it - I can hardly wait until I get to enjoy those potatoes with milk gravy. Yummy.

Now I'm going golfing .

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,108 in my journey through life.

Today is Sunday, May 13, 2012 - another beautiful sunny day with temps in the high 70s. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV" once again.

Today I walked 36 minutes = 2.0 miles for a May total of 31.3 miles. My weight was at 163.0  pounds.

A LITTLE HISTORY LESSON about Mother's Day - because it is MOTHER'S DAY today. Mother's Day  is always the second Sunday in May. Mother's Day was made a national observance day in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill passed by Congress. The roots of  Mother's Day go back to the 1870s. Julia Ward Howe, the poet, tried to get some kind of observance going in the 1870s but it never caught on. In the 1880s and 1890s a West Virginia woman, Anna Jarvis, promoted a day to honor mothers - her motovation was to try and reunite families and friends in West Virginia who had been split by choosing sides in the Civil War. Anna died but her dughter, Anna M. Jarvis kept the struggle going for some kind of Mother's Day. So Anna M. organized the first official Mother's Day with an observance at her Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, on May 10, 1908. That date is usually recognized as the beginning of our modern day observance of Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,107 in my journey through life.

Today is Saturday, May 12, 2012 - another beautiful May day, sunny and in the 70s this afternoon - we're going to plant our vegetable garden today. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

Today I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked 54 minutes = 3.0 miles for a May total of 29.3 miles. My weight was at 163.4 pounds.

WOULD YOU BELIEVE THIS? I read this in the May, 2012, issue of the Reader's DIgest.

The article was entitled  "The Poor Rich." It was in the section called OUTRAGEOUS NOTIONS.
"People who don't have money don't understand the stress on the wealthy," said Alan Dlugash, a financial planner. "Could you imagine what it's like to say, I got three kids in private school - I have to think about pulling them out? How do you do that?"

Andrew Schiff, a communications and marketing director, doesn't have an answer. Schiff survives on a $350,000 salary and made this comment; "The New York that I wanted to have is still just beyond my reach....I don't have a dishwasher. We do all our dishes by hand."

(Isn't this sad? The poor guy makes $350,000 a year and can't afford a dishwater. It almost makes me cry, I just  feel so bad for him. I really feel he needs another tax cut!!!!!! I have a feeling he'll be voting for Mitt Romney.)

Doesn't stuff like this make it easier to understand why we're seeing "occupy Wall Street" and "occupy Oakland" and occupy other cities? It sure does for me.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,106 in my journey through life.

Today is Friday, May 11, 2012 - a cool sunny morning but afternoon temps get into the 70s. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

Today I did yoga, lifted weights and walked 36 minutes = 2.0 miles for a May total of 26.3 miles. My weight was at 163.8 pounds.

Yesterday I refigured how many days I've lived on this planet. This time I came up with 26,105 days instead of  26,068.  I don't know how I got off by 37 days the first time I figured it but somehow I did. I refigured it three times and came up with 26,105 days all three times.  So I will be using the new number from now on, starting today.

WHAT HAPPENED ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY? I've always been interested in history - I like to know the who, what, when, where, why and how of people and things - it helps me understand why the world is the way it is in 2012. So here are some memorable events that happened on May 11.
1. In 1858 my home state of Minnesota became the 37th state of the Union.
2. In 1927 The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was founded during a banquet at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles - this is where we get the OSCARS.
3.In 1937 "SPAM" was registered as a trademark by Hormel Foods (of Austin, Minnesota), producer of the canned meat product.
4.In 1950 President Harry S. Truman formally dedicated the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington state.
5.In 1981 legendary reggae artist Bob Marley died in a Miami hospital at age 36. (I don't know the cause).
6.In 1996 an Atlanta bound ValuJet DC-9 caught fire shortly after takeoff from Miami and crashed into the Florida Everglades, killing all 110 people on board. (I remember that and remember thinking how horrible it must have been for the passengers as the plane caught fire and dove downward.)

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,068 in my journey through life.

Today is Thursday, May 10, 2012 - a beautiful sinny day with temps in the 70s (I'm going golfing an an hour).I,m grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

Today I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked for 60 minutes = 3.3 milesfor a May total of 24.3 miles. My weight jumped to 164.0 pounds.

Yesterday I wrote about the 60-vote rule in the U.S. Senate. I said I would do some research and find out out why. Here is what I learned. (from Wikipedia)

What is happening in the Senate is something called "cloture" (or "closure" or, informally, a "guillotine.")
CLOTURE is the French word for "ending" or "conclusion." This procedure originated in the French National Assembly. It was introduced into the British Parliament to overcome the obstruction of the Irish nationalist party and was made permanent in 1887. It was subsequently adopted by the U.S. Senate and other legislatures.

This "cloture" procedure was invoked for the first time on November 15, 1919, during the 66th Congress, to end the filibuster on the Treaty of Versailles. The cloture rule originally required a two-thirds majority of all senators. So if all 100 senators were present and voting it would,take 67 senators to stop debate on a bill.

The cloture rule was changed in 1975. The Senate had 62 Democrats and that was enough to change  the cloture rule down to 60. But as a compromise it always had to be 60 votes becasue the wording of the law now read "duly chosen and sworn" instead of "present and voting."

There have been attempts to change it to a simple majority of 51 but it has never passed because it would greatly diminish the ability of the minority to check the majority. So 60 votes will always be  needed to stop debate on a bill.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,067 in my journey through life.

Today is Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - a sunny, breezy and chilly day with temps in the 60s. Again, I'm grateful for another day of  "I,m HIV."

Today I did yoga, lifted weights and walked for 54 minutes = 3.0 miles for a May total of 21 miles. My weight was 162.8 pounds.

I'm grateful Ruth Ann had a good report from Dr. Shah (her eye doctor) yesterday. Her visual fields test was good which checks her peripheral vision and her cataract has not grown significantly so he told her that if she can live with it as is there is no need to do surgery. She goes back in one year.

The morning paper had some news that UPSET ME A LOT. Yesterday, the Republicans in the U.S. Senate blocked a Democratic bill to preserve low interest rates for millions of college students' loans. The vote was 52-45 in favor of the bill. Common sense would tell you that when over 50% of the Senators are in favor it should become a law. But NOT in the U.S. Senate. This 52-45 vote was to give approval to begin debating the legislation on the floor of the Senate - it was not to pass the bill. In the U.S. Senate it takes 60 votes to make a bill eligible to be debated on the Senate floor. This is true even if the bill had 100% approval in the committee where it originated. So a 59 % approval vote will not be enough to get it on the floor to be debated. This is one of main reasons the Senate gets nothing done. It only takes 41 Senators of the minority party to block whatever the other 59 Senators of the majority party try to do. 

I find the whole idea of the 60 vote rule very upsetting and it is simply stupid. To me this is not democracy in action.

I do not know where the 60 vote rule came from. But I want to find out. I'm going to see if I can find the origin of the 60 vote rule.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,066 in my journey through life.

Today is Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - a beautiful sunny day in the 70s. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

Today I walked for 36 minutes outside the Walmart store = 2.0 miles for a May total of 18 miles. My weight was at 163 pounds.

Yesterday afternoon I played 9 holes of golf with my 80-year-old golfing buddy Paul Lewison. I hit some of my best shots in a couple of years. I had been practicing in the back yard trying a slower and more complete backswing. I tried it yesterday and it worked most (but not all) of the time. As long as I went slow, extended my backswing and kept my head down my drives and fairway wood shots were the best I've had for a long time. They didn't work when I failed to keep my head down for the complete swing - I have a tendency to lift my head and I've got to work on that.  I need to play more often to get more consistent.

I'm taking Ruth Ann to her eye doctor this afternoon so she can a a visual fields test and a check-up on the cataract in her left eye.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,065 in my journey through life.

Today is Monday, May 7, 2012 - A nice sunny day in low 70s. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."

Today I walked for 27 minutes = 1.5 miles for a May total of 16.0 miles. My weight went down to 162.6 pounds.

I went to a funeral today. The funeral was for the husband of a former teaching colleague of mine (for over 20 years at West Middle School). Her name is Joan (Schneider Kuhns) Husman. His name was Jay Husman and it was the second marriage for both of them. Jay was a Navy veteran and served in Vietnam in the late 1960s. It was a military funeral in which two U.S. Marines came in at the end of the service and did the flag folding ceremony - very impressive - and very  emotional as they presented the folded flag to Joan. I'm writing about this funeral because it is so much more satisfying to go to a funeral in 2012 than it was in the 1950s and 1960s. The funerals today are more of a celebration of life than 50-60 years ago. As I remember those funerals they were so morbid and sad. Today, as tributes were read from Jay's sister, his nephew, an old hunting and fishing buddy and his wife we actually laughed - it was simply refreshing to see this happen.

Other than the flag ceremony the other clincher to the funeral was the last song played over the loud speaker. It was a country western song entitled "Here for a Good Time." The lyrics went something like this "We're only here for a short time so I'm here for a good time." It was perfect send away for Jay as that is the way he lived his life.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,064 in my journey through life.

Today is Sunday, May 6, 2012 - it cloudy but nice - in the high 60s. I'm grateful for another day "I'm HIV."

On Sundays I just walk instead of doing all my other exercises. This morning I walked for 45 minutes = 2.5 miles for a May total of 14.5 miles. My weight was at 163.4 pounds.

Ruth Ann and I went to 10:30 church. It was fun to watch the elementaty Sunday School kids sing two songs. The first one was to list in order all the books of the Old Testament and the second was about how David slew Goliath,  the Philistine giant. Theie actions were so humorous. Church is so much more interesting when we have performances like this.

MY THOUGHTS TODAY; I've been reading the Sunday paper. I read an article that there is big disagreement about how effective the Bush/Cheney enhanced interrogation (water boarding) techniques were in obtaining information from al-Qaeda detainees. Most experts on torture say it is counter-productive as prisoners will say anything, including fabricating information. And it also puts American POWs at greater risk of being mistreated when they are captured. A country like the U.S., that places so much emphasis on civil rights, shouldn't resort to violating international standards for the humane treatment of prisoners in the false belief that it will keep us safe.

 What I'm getting at is that I'm grateful that President Obama, in 2009, banned the CIA from using torture anymore. Even John McCain agreed with his decision as he knows what torture is like, having gone through it in a North Vietnamese POW camp for six years.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,063 in my journey through life.

Today is Saturday, May 5, 2012 - a cloudy day with temps in high 60s and low 70s. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV." (I'm going to continue to write this - my hope is to say it every day for many years to come. "I'm HIV" means "I'm healthy and I'm vertical." - without good health my life would be more difficult.

This morning I walked 54 minutes = 3.0 miles for a May total of 12 miles. My weight was at 164.4 pounds.

At 11 am this morning  Ruth Ann is getting a perm. She got her nails done yesterday and her hair today - she will be stunning. I've often wondered how women throughout history took care of their hair before the creation of the beauty salon. But salons do a good job of making women happier because women  always feel happier when they come home with a fresh hairdo. So beauty salons are one more thing I'm grateful for.

Today is also "The Cinco de Mayo Holiday" in Mexico - it is also celebrated in the U.S. I'm guessing most people do not know the who, what, when, where, and why of this holiday. For years I did not know  myself until I finally did some research to satisfy my curiosity. Without much detail here is a brief  history of Cinco de Mayo as explained in the morning newspaper. 

"In 1862 the Battle of Puebla took place in Mexico as forces loyal to Benito Juarez defeated troops that had been sent by Napolean III during the so-called French Intervention. The Cinco de Mayo holiday commemorites Mexico's victory."

At least we know the who, what, when, where and why of Cinco de Mayo.  Many people think this holiday is Mexico'a Independence Day - that day originated in 1910. I don't know the day, however.)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Days 26,062 to 26,066 in my journey through life.

Today is Friday, May 4, 2012 - it is warm and humid with temps in the 70s. I continue to be grateful that I can say for another day that "I'm  HIV"

On days 26,062 to 26,065 Ruth Ann and I were at the Isle of Capri Casino in Waterloo, Iowa. We had a good time but I  did not come  out ahead on the gambling end but I'm  still way ahead as I made $685.00 in February. So I'm not crying.

I played golf with Paul Lewison yesterday when I got home. Neither one of us has improved from last year - it must be our ages - I'm 71 and he turned 80 a couple of months ago. We play best shot which helps keep the score down a little. When people ask how my golf game was I can say I had a 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 - I don't tell them I was playing best shot with Paul. What they don't know won't hurt them. It sure sounds better than saying I had a 51 or whatever.

We're going to Cedar Rapids this afternoon so Ruth Ann can get her nails done. I've often wondered how women got by throughout history without having their nails done. I guess life was a lot tougher then.

I also need to pick up a screen door from Menards for Carron's mobile home.  The wind wrecked her other one.