Thursday, December 16, 2010

33 smiles this morning.

QUOTE from tennis hothead John McEncore, to tennis spectator: WHAT OTHER PROBLEMS DO YOU HAVE BESIDES BEING UNEMPLOYED, A MORON, AND A DORK.

DAY BRIGHTENERS for today: This morning as I took my walk at Walmart I decided to see how many "Smiley Good Mornings" I could get in 50 minutes. I would smile and say Good Morning and in 33 out of 34 attempts I got a smile and a Good Morning in return. Most of them were employees but maybe five or six were strangers. I even went back in the store room to greet a couple of them. I told them they were #24 and #25 in my Smiley Good Mornming mission. They appreciated my efforts to include them. I even got a hug from Jan in the electronics department. The only unhappy response was from the 25 to 30 year old Dr. Pepper vendor. She said Good Morning but no smile. I can excuse her as she lost her father in a car accident two years ago and hasn't been the same since. She always looks sad. I've been told she was very close to her father. I'm going to try again soon and see if I can beat 33.

GRATITUDE today. We had 4.5 inches of snow last night. Our driveway was all cleaned off when I left the house at 7 AM. Our neighbor, Mike Nelson, cleans off our driveway. He was doing it at 6 AM and he also did it last week. Ruth Ann and I are grateful to Mike, he is a great neighbor. We do reward Mike for his efforts even though he insists on taking nothing. He says, "I'm just trying to be a good neighbor."

Bessie Braddock: "Mr. Churchill, you are drunk."
Winston Chirchill" "Yes, madam, and you are ugly. But in the morning, I will be sober."

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