Tuesday, May 3, 2011

History of Bible translations.

QUOTE from Mark Twain: "It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it's the parts that I do understand."

When reading the latest issue of TIME magazine I LEARNED some intresting things about nine different translations of the Bible.

On May 2, 1611 the King James Version of the Bible is published in England. So it is 400 years old as of yesterday. In 1604, King James convened a group of scholars to translate Scriptures from the Hebrew and Greek into English as a way to consolidate his power. So it was done more for political and economic reasons than for spiritual or aesthetic ones.KJB dominated until the 1950s. Is is still relevant as President Obama used Abraham Lincoln's personal copy to be sworn in and William and Kate used the KJB in their wedding.

In 1952 THE REVISED STANDARD VERSION is published. A passage prophesies that the Messiah will be born to a "young woman" instead of "virgin,"causing pastors to riot.

In 1966 the GOOD NEWS FOR MODERN MAN is published. Conceived as a simple translation for non-english speakers and intended for missionary work.

In 1978 the THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION is published. Becomes known as the most accurate of the "readable" Bibles. By 1988, its sales pass the KJB's in Christian stores.

In 1982 THE NEW KING JAMES BIBLE is published. Trying to keep up, it changes "thees" and "thous" to "yous." This is the Bible often placed in hotels and hospitals by the Gideons.

In 1990 THE WOMEN'S DEVOTIONAL BIBLE WAS is published. Includes Scripture-based advice on home, children, love and work but still refers to man instead of "human."

In 1992 THE ONE-MINUTE BIBLE is published. Chops the word of God into bite-size chunks for time-strapped believers in a fast-paced society.

In 1999 THE EXTREME TEEN BIBLE is published. Offers "No fears, no regrets, just a future with a promise" for Christian youth.

In 2008 THE GREEN BIBLE is published. Published on recycled paper with soy-based ink. Instead of Jesus' words appearing in red, verses on caring for the earth are highlighted in a soothing green.

(Why did the new translations take place after 1950? The article said it was the DISCOVERY OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS in 1947. The SCROLLS were the oldest known biblical manuscripts and they spurred the new translations.)

(The article also said that in 1631 a typo in the KJB turns the seventh commandment into "Thou shalt commit adultery.")

HUMOR for today: Husband doing lanudry.

Wife: One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?"
"It depends," the wife replied. "What does it say on your shirt?"
Husband yelled back, "University of Alabama."

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