Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why we should eat honey and cinnamon

QUOTE from Fran Lebowitz: "Food is an important part of a balanced diet."

From an email I LEARNED some interesting stuff about the value of eating cinnamon and honey. This information came from the January 17, 1995 issue of WEEKLY WORLD NEWS, a magazine in Canada. The magazine listed diseases/illnesses that can be cured by honey and cinnamon, as researched by western scientists. I don't know if it is all true but there must be some truth to it. It is hard to believe honey and cinnamon can CURE these things but maybe they can help cure or prevent them from developing.

Here is the lsit:   Eating honey and cinnamon can cure, help cure or prevent the following:

1. Heart diseases - C and H reduces the cholestorol in the arteries.
2. Arthritis
3. Bladder infections - C and H destroys the germs in the bladder.
4. Colds
5. Upset stomach
6. Gas
7. Immune system - C and H protects the body from bacterial and viral attacks.
8. Indigestion
9. Influenza
10. Longevity - When eating C and H even a 100 year will start performing the chores of a 20 year-old.
11. Raspy or sore throat - take one tablespoon of honey every three hours and sip until gone.
12. Pimples - make a paste of C and H and put on pimples before bedtime.
13.Skin infections
14. Weight loss
15. Cancer of the stomach and bones.
16. Fatigue
17 Bad breath - have to gargle first thing in the morning with one tablespoon of C and H in hot water.
18. Hearing loss

This is quite a list and after reading it my first thought was we don't need doctors or hospitals anymore. All we have to do is eat cinnamon and honey everyday. To tell the truth I was eating honey and cinnamon every day for breakfast before I ever got this email. I will admit my arthritic shoulder is better since I started.
Also, I've not had a cold. The one thing it has not done is help my hearing. The only thing that helped my hearing is when my doctor cleaned out my ears in March. The other 15 cures on the list are not measurable for me at this time. The longevity one I won't be able to measure for another 30 years.

I realize that when you get forwards like this and they suggest you forward it to your friends is that someone is trying to get a bunch of email addresses.

The bottom line is that cinnamon and honey are good for you and I will continue to eat them for breakfast. And if I get all 18 cures by doing so then so much the better.By the way HONEY is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot.

HUMOR for today: There is now an outhouse joke making the rounds on the internet.

It is called the TWO-STORY OUTHOUSE.
 The top story has a ladder going up to it and is labeled POLITICIANS.
The bottom story is labeled  VOTERS.

I'm afraid it is close to the truth.

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