Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ELECTION #55, 2004. The NASTY-METER hits 9.

QUOTE from George Bush in a 2004 campaign speech: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

The CANDIDATES in 2004.


Bush ran unoppsed in the 2004 Republican primaries. As progress in the Iraq War headed south, so did the presidency of Bush. His "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" debacle on the air craft carrier didn't do him much good, especially when the casualties kept coming home. And his lies about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq turned out to be just that - they were outright lies. And his claim that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 was another outright lie. And with the economy continuing to slide, it looked like the Bush presidency might be in trouble. Bush kept Dick Cheney as his VP mate.


Kerry was raised in an upper-middle-class family in Massachusetts, Kerry attended Yale in the 1960s and then volunteered in the navy. He served two tours in Vietnam, where he earned a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. He was a bit wooden and even seemed at times to be a little detached. He chose John Edwards as his VP mate.

The CAMPAIGN in 2008.

The 2008 campaign was a no-holds,barred affair; yard signs were stolen and destroyed all over the country; the Internet, cable news shows, talk radio, and newspapers were all involved in this sleazy campaign.

The Republicans were quite successful in making Kerry look like a "flip-flopper" when he made the silly statement, "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it." The "dirty tricks" were very alive and well on the part of the Republicans; they alleged that Kerry had an affair with a young woman (she denied it); a photo on the Internet showed a young John Kerry and actress Jane Fonda speaking together at a Vietnam War-ers rally - the photo was a fake. And then the famous Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, composed of some of the men who had served on the rivers of Vietnam with Kerry, announced that Kerry "was lying about his military record" and that he was "no war hero." Actually one of the main Swift Veterans accusers supported Kerry's account of his wartime service and Kerry was able to turn back the attacks with some force.

For their part, the Democrats sent out scare emails claiming that Bush would institute a military draft if reelected. Kerry was able to best Bush in two different debates even when Bush may have had a receiver attached to his back in order to have answers given to him by his aides when being asked a question. He denied it, of course. But a NASA scientist expressed the opinion that what the president was wearing was indeed a receiver.

The WINNER was GEORGE W. BUSH and he continued as the 43rd president of the United States.

Bush got 60,693,281 popular and 286 electoral.

Kerry got 57,355,978 popular and 251 electoral.

Bush won Ohio by 118,601 votes. But there is no doubt that big time hanky-panky took place in Ohio. Congressman John Conyers did an investigation in 2005 into the Ohio voting irregularities. His conclusion: "There were numerous, serious election irregularities in the Ohio presidential election, which resulted in a significant disenfranchisement of voters." An example was some voters were forced to wait in line for more than twelve hours. Yet there were no long lines in Republican areas. In one county alone, the misallocation of machines reduced the number of voters by an estimated 15,000. Statewide, according to Conyers, African-Americans waited an average of 52 minutes to vote, compared to 18 minutes for white Americans.

What we're seeing in 2012 is in Republican controlled states they are requiring all voters to have a photo ID. It will affect the poor people and African-Americans the most - people who usually vote more Democratic than Republican. (An idiot can figure out that these Republican governors and Republican state legislators are trying to do.)

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