Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pete's new BLOG - day 2.

Today is the 26,011th day of my life. I weighed in at 164.4 pounds. I accomplished my physical fitness goal for today by starting off with 5 minutes of yoga breathing, 5 minutes of yoga stretching, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and a 50 minute walk. (I do the exercise ball on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and lift weights on Monday, Wednesday, Friday.)

My philosophy is that every morning when I get out of bed at 6:15 I have been blessed with another 24 hours of life. So I'm going to do something healthy and postive with my body for at least one of those 24 hours. I like to do my hour long work-out in the morning as it makes me feel good physically for the next 23 hours and it makes me feel good mentally for having the self-discipline to "git 'er done." (That's Larry the Cable Guy's favorite expression.)

Today in history James Earl Ray pleaded guilty in Memphis Tennessee, to assassinating Martin Luther King. (Ray later said he didn't do it.)

Jerry and Elsie Narveson, our lifelong friends from Chatfield, Minnesota, emailed yesterday to inform us that Bob Hurley had died of lung problems. Bob was one of our teachers in junior and senior high at Chatfield. His death got me to thinking of my old teachers. There are some that stand out as really good ones. One that deserves my gratitude is Joan Barton - Miss Barton was my math teacher in seventh and eighth grade. She knew her math, was strict (she had a hell of a temper), and expected her students to learn math. I learned a lot from her and I'm grateful to have had her for a teacher. I can remember more from her class than any other junior high teacher. A sign of a good teacher.

That's all for today.

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