Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day #26,057 in my journey through life.

Today is Wednesday,April 25, 2012 - a windy day but expected to reach the 70s this afternoon. I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."
This morning I did yoga, lifted weights and walked for 36 minutes = 2.0 miles for an April total of 58.6 miles. My weight went down to 163.8 pounds. The Cubs beat the Caridnals last night with a RBI single by Soriano in the 11th inning. Go Cubs!!

Today I;m going to try and put the finishing touches on my "Like or Hate Obama Poll". I laid the groundwork on April 15, 16 and 17. My entry today will be on how I'm going to end  the poll and it will  explain what that person's TOTAL RATINGS mean as far as the election in November.

Now that you've finished your 1 - 5  ratings for each of the 35 statements  ADD up the numbers and get a total. Then look below to see what your "total"  means as far as the general election in November.

MY TOTAL IS:                                               IT MEANS:

35 - 50                                  It means you will definitely vote for Obama - you LOVE this guy.

51 - 80                                It means you will most likely vote for Obama.

81 - 115                              It means you are probably an "independent" and you folks will be the
                                           deciding factor in the election.

116 - 140                            It means you really don't LIKE Obama and will most likely vote for

141 - 175                            It means you are a TRUE OBAMA-HATER and a TEA PARTY member
                                           ( or should be if you aren't.)

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