Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pete's BLOG - Day 26,188. More Leviticus rules.

Today is Wednesday, August 1, 2012. It is another mid-90s day and no rain. The drought is getting very serious. I feel for the farmers who depend on nature for rain for their crops.

This morning I did yoga, lifted weights and walked 40 minutes = 2.1 miles.

The other day I wrote about right-wing Christian churches and how they use verses in the Bible to justify their prejudices against gays and same sex marriage. I said I would do more research in the book of Leviticus to illustrate what they choose to ignore. So today I will identify some of those verses - starting with FOODS you can eat and not eat.

11:2-3. Tell the people of Israel that the animals which MAY BE USED FOR FOOD include any animal with cloven hooves and chews its cud.
11:4-7. This means that the following may NOT be eaten:
The camel (it chews the cud but does not have cloven hooves);
The rock badger (does not have cloven hooves);
The hare (does not have cloven hooves);
The swine (has cloven hooves but does not chew the cud).
11:9-12. As to fish, you may eat whatever has fins and scales - any water creature that does not have fins or scales is forbidden. I guess that rules out shrimp. I've eaten shrimp so according to this verse I'm in big trouble. I wonder if any of these right wing Christians have eaten shrimp - shame on them if they have. There might be a little bit of hypocrisy here.

Tomorrow I'l write more about  foods.

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