Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,301. My Gratitude Journal-My Bathroom Book

Today is Wednesday, November 21, 2012. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 37 minutes of walking = 2.0 miles for a November total of 42.8 miles. My weight was 164.8 pounds.
QUOTE from gratitude researcher Robert Emmons: "Reflect on what life would be like without certain things."
My THOUGHTS today: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. It is time to reflect and be grateful for the many blessings we have living in the USA. Yesterday, I turned 72 years of age and I'm so grateful for the many blessings I have at this age. The thing I'm most grateful for is that I have my health. Without my  good health it would be much easier for me to be negative and I probably wouldn't be as grateful for my blessings. In 2009 I kept a gratitude journal for 365 days in which I expressed my gratitue to the people who and things that made my journey through life a good one. It was the best year of my life as it made think positive everyday and as result I became a happier and more grateful person. In this year of 2012 I've turned my journal into my "Bathroom Book." Everyday I read what I wrote on that particular day in 2009 - in inspires me to keep thinking positive and to count my blessings. It also makes me think of many other things I should be grateful for. If you have a copy of my Gratitude Journal I would recommend you do the same - it is worth the effort even if you've read it before.
HUMOR for today: From the good doctor.
Q. Doctor, Is swimming good for your figure?
A. If swimming good for figure, explain whale to me.

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