Friday, December 21, 2012

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,331. The world didn't end

Today is Friday, December 21, 2012. We're digging out of the blizzard. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 30 minutes of shoveling snow = 1.5 miles for a December total of 42.5 miles. My weight was 162.2 pounds.

My THOUGHTS today: Well, the world didn't end today, not yet anyway - we still have 13 hours to go until midnight in the Central Time Zone. I did notice that Australia and New Zealand are still around so that is good sign. Where does this stuff come from? According to academic and religious leaders, the whole "end of the world" thing was a bunch of hooey. There are a couple of explanations on how and why this "hooey" got started. First, was that some sort of astronautical object-sometimes called NIBIRU-was destined for an Earthly collision. Another was that the sun is entering a hyperactive stage and could eviscerate our little planet called Earth. Okay, the sun isn't going to blow us up, but what about the Mayas? A U of Iowa professor says that the Maya calendar that supposedly said the world ended today is simply what Mayas called the long count. "It is the Mayan parallel of what we would think of as a millenia. This idea the Mayas supposedly had the world coming to an end in 2012 is NOT RIGHT. It was just the turning of the calendar in the big way."
One religious leader said, "This end of the world talk is a bunch of nonsense. We should be much more worried  about the end of the world coming from environmental destruction, or a military or political conflict."
And I say AMEN.

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