Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,574. Final comments on medical bill

Today is Thursday, August 22, 2013. Mt stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the ball and 37 minutes of walking = 2.0 miles for an August total of 35 miles. Me weight was 163.8 pounds.

QUOTE from Anita, age 9: Is it better to be single or married?  Answer from Anita: "It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them."

My THOUGHTS today have to do with final comments on Ruth Ann's medical bills.

In my last post I unloaded on Ruth Ann's $5,578.65 medical bill for two nights in the hospital. Since then I went to the hospital to try and get some answers about my concerns. The lady I talked to was real nice but overall I didn't get much satisfaction but she did print off an itemized list of every charge on the mailed bill we got.

 So, what did I learn or not learn?
1. I learned that for every hydrocodone-acetaminophen, clonazepam, lisinopril pill  they gave her she was charged from $5.30 to $5.45.
2.  I learned that for the two physical therapy charges the first one was for the PHYSICAL THERAPY EVALUATION for $159.99. The second PT charge was entitled THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIR EA 15 M. The charge was $107.85. I'm assuming the 15 M means 15 minutes - which would be accurate (I was there when he did it.)  As far as the EVALUATION we have no idea when they did this.  For almost $160.00 it must have taken them hours and hours to decide what to do with Ruth Ann for 15 minutes.
3. The explanation for the OBSERVATION CHARGE was like this - I guess it had to do with how many hours the nurses had to keep an eye on Ruth Ann. The charge was  $530.00.

The list of what I didn't learn is much longer. Here are some examples:
1. PR ED LEVEL 5 VISIT - the charge was $263.00.
2. ETHANOL (ALCOHOL); NOT BREATH. - the charge was $200.25.
3. OXYGEN SUBQ DAY - the charge was $621.00.

The lady I talked to was the receptionist. In fairness to her she was not the expert but she said she would try to help me. The financial/billing lady was not on duty so this gal tried to help me and actually knew quite a bit, considering. She was very nice and admitted when she didn't know something. She said I was welcome to come back and talk to the billing lady.

How much of the $5,758.65 bill was actually paid? Here it is.

Medicare SEQUESTRATION reduction 7/5/13              -$32.57
Medicare contractual write-off - 7/5/13.                      -$3,098.57
Medicare actual payment         -  7/5/13                    +$1,595.71
Our BC insurance payment      -  8/0/13                    +$1,015.04

Total payments and adjustments  =                           -$5,758.65

So Jones Regional Medical Center got paid - $2,610,75 for Ruth Ann's 2-day stay. That looks much more realistic to me than $5,758.65

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