QUOTE from Barbara Stockdill. a Guideposts reader.: "Life is like a long chain stitch. If you don't take time to tie off all the loose ends, it can easily come unraveled."
I LEARNED what some people consider the most memorable lessons they learned from a teacher.
"Be curious about everything, because curiosity generates questions."
"The only stupid question is the one you don't ask."
"Never take what you hear at face value."
"You are not better than anyone, and no one is better than you."
"Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color."
" How to spell assume: Don't make an "ass" of "u" and "me!"
As a teacher for 36 years I emphasized the first four a lot. I also worked a lot on teaching kids how to remember things by making up mnemonics (memory helpers). An example was our mnemonic on how to remember the countries of Central America, going from north to south. The mnemonic was, "BOB GIVES EVERY HUMAN NICE CURLY PERMS." The countries are: Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama. I had a 30 year old former student come up to me at the Country Club a couple years ago and tell me, "Thanks, Mr. Bungum, for teaching me about mnemonics. I use that technique all the time in my business." Needless to say, it made me feel good.
HUMOR for today from the comic strip HAGAR THE HORRIBLE..
Hagar is returning home from another pillaging trip to England. As he is wallking up the path to his home he is talking to humself.
Hagar says: "Whew! I survived another week of the RAT RACE. My secret? Be strong and never show emotion.
Helga meets him at the door and says: "We're going to my mother's house this weekend."
Hagar breaks down and starts crying, with tears running down his cheeks and screaming, Waaa...Waaa.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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