QUOTE from an email: "I believe... That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I LEARNED some things you are unlikely to learn in Sunday School. I've been reeading my TERRIBLY TASTELESS LISTS book and ran across this imteresting piece of history. The book was written by an Englishman named Karl Shaw - he claims these are all true.
1. The book of Esther is the only book in the Bible that neglects to mention God.
2. The modern confessional box was invented in the Middle Ages to help stop priests from sexually assaulting women.
3. The early Christian Church held that the Virgin Mary was impregnated by her ear: Fear of accidental aural (ear) penetration was so widespread that it led to the fashion for tight-fitting wimples (the tight fitting head cloths for nuns).
4. The Bible is full of lepers because it was written at a time when any skin defect, even a bad case of acne, was likely to get you branded as a leper and consequently shunnned by society. Most "lepers" probably suffered from syphilis.
5. The Church adopted celibacy as a code for the priesthood in 1123. Three hundred fifty years later, Pope Innocent VIII became known as "the Honest" because he admittled that he had fathered several bastards. He owned up only to disprove a rumor going around Rome at the time that he was a woman.
6. The Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes recommends clearing the stomach by throwing up before or during a big meal to make room for more food.
Interesting stuff - makes me wonder if all of these are true. The authior claims they are.
HUMOR for today: Senior citizens have taken to texting with gusto. They even have their own vocabulary.
TTYL = Talk to you LOUDER.. BFF = Best Friend Fainted. BYOT = Bring your own teeth.
CBM = Covered by Medicare FWB = Friend with beta-blockers.
LMDO = Laughing my dentures out. GPBL = Gotta go, pacemaker bzttery low.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
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