Monday, September 17, 2012

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,336. NO to GOP takeover of Senate.

Pete Bungum's BLOG-Day 26,336. NO to GOP takeover of Senate.

Today is Monday, September 17, 2012 - a cool cloudy and rainy day. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles for a September total of 33.4 miles. My weight was 162.8 pounds.

QUOTE from another so-called expert - this one is from Robert Welch, President, John Birch Society, 1963. (The Tea Party is the 2012 equivalent of the 1950s and 1960s John Birch Society.)
"Dwight D. Eisenhower is a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy."

My THOUGHTS today: I do not want the GOP to gain control of the U.S. Senate. There are 33 senate seats up for grabs in this election. Democrats are defending 23. The Republicans only need to pick up four seats to take control and start implementing their dangerous agenda.
Their agenda is what is scary for me and most all Americans. Here is why it is scary!
-They'll repeal the Affordable Care Act, denying health insurance to millions and putting millions more with pre-existing conditions at rick of losing their coverage.
-They'll gut sensible financial regulations that prevent predatory lending and curtail Wall Street reckless gambling.
-They'll give special tax breaks to their wealthy friends while shifting the burden onto the backs of the struggling middle class.
-They'll eliminate environmental protections and let the oil companies call the shots.
-They'll take a woman's control away from her own body.
-They'll probably lead us into another war in the Middle East, this time with Iran.
-They'll turn Medicare into a voucher system.
-And what are the cuts they are going to make to balance the budget. I'm totally convinced it will be the middle class, the poor, the young, and the seniors who will suffer the most.

HUMOR for today:     A Texas Republican had just died. He was so huge he would not fit into the largest coffin available. The undertaker phoned the heart-broken family.
     'What shall I do?" he asked.
     The politician's youngest grandson, the town's leading liberal, supplied the answer.: "Just give him an enema, and you can bury the remains in a cigar box."

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