Friday, September 21, 2012

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,340. The Flip-Flopper.

Today is Friday, Spetember 21, 2012 - it is cool and rainy. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles for a September total of 43.1miles. My weight was 161.4 pounds.

QUOTE from Frank Dane: "Any man with a fine shock of hair, a good set of teeth, and a bewitching smile can park his brains, if he has any, and run for public office."

My THOUGHTS today concerning Mitt Romney and the 2012 presidential campaign. To me Romney is one of the biggest hypocrites ever to run for president. He has flip-flopped on nearly every issue in order to please. He stands for nothing. Here are some of the main issues he has flip-flopped on since he was governor of Massachusetts.

-abortion rights     
-support for Planned Parenthood (to which he and wife once wrote checks)
-gun rights (he supported the Brady Bill in the 1990s)           
-Grover Norquist's "no tax increases" pledge (which he refused to sign as a candidate for governor)
-don't ask, don't tell

-and most famous of all is health care (he promises to repeal Obamacare on his first day in office even though it is identical to the health care bill he signed into law in Massachusetts)

FOOD FOR THOUGHT; We tell lies when we are afraid...afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger.

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