Monday, April 8, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,439. Tips about nursing homes

Today is Monday, April 8, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes lifting weights and 39 minutes of walking for an April total of 16.5 miles. My weight was 161.2 pounds.

Inspirational QUOTE from Chuck Palahniuk: "The goal in life isn't to live forever; the goal is to create something that will."

My THOUGHTS today are about nursing homes. Last month Reader's Digest had a great article entitled, 50 SECRETS A NURSING HOME WON'T TELL YOU. I grew up in nursing home from ages 8 to 18 so I know a little something about them. I want to share a few things in the article I found interesting.
- If you're looking for a nursing home for A LOVED ONE and have several choices go visit them on a Saturday night at 6 pm. By that time dinner has been served and few if any managers will be in the facility. Then talk to the staff and family members of residents about what they like and don't like.
- Nonprofits are better. WHY? Nonprofit nursing homes and government-owned facilities have better staffing, pay better wages, and offer better quality care than for-profit nursing homes. A nationwide study showed that for-profit chains had the worst staffing and were cited for the highest number of deficiencies and severe deficiencies- - 1 in 3 CNAs working at nursing homes have received public aid, like Medicaid for their own health care,  because of low salary - $8.50 AN HOUR DOESN'T CUT IT.
- If your Mom goes into a home, it can't require you to pay out of your pocket for her. But, some nursing homes will try it anyway, and all to often, relatives will pay.
-  Visit often - it's been proven that residents whose families are involved get better care.
- When moving a loved one in bring their own pillows, bedding, and even a recliner if there is room and also other favorite things from home. (like photos)
- Theft and loss are a big problem in nursing homes so be sure and put the loved one's name on everything
- The average cost of a private room in a nursing home is $87,235 = $239 a day.

After growing up in nursing homes I don't relish the thought of ending up in one. But I probably won't have much to say about that if and when the time comes. I hope it never comes.

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