Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,400. I'M GLAD I DID IT.

Today is Thursday, February 28, 2013. We've been out of town for 3 days but did manage to get some walking in on Tuesday and Wednesday so I ended up with 55
miles for the month of February. I haven't weighed since Monday.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "" A sharp tongue and a dull mind are usually found in the same head."

My THOUGHTS TODAY: A couple weeks ago I had a quote from Norman Vincent Peale about his New Year's Resolution in 1988. It was only 2 words long but his resolution was if you are hesitating to do something just "DO IT" anyway - you'll feel better about yourself if you do. This morning I attended a meeting at church with my
colleagues on the visitation team. Before I went to the meeting I thought to myself that this was my time to "DO IT."
What I'm talking about is this: Early in 2012 I wrote a 14 page manual entitled QUESTIONS GRANDPA AND GRANDMA SHOULD ANSWER BEFORE IT'S
TOO LATE. I ran off 20 copies in January and had done nothing with them except for one elderly lady I had visited. So this morning I decided I'm going to see if something like this would be interest to any of my colleagues. I thought to myself, "Pete, just DO
IT. "I asked the ladies in charge if I could have a few minutes - I took the time to
explain what I had done. I told them my goal was to make a simple manual that older
folks could follow when writing the story of their life. The response was unanimous and all 7 of my colleagues took one and they all thanked me several times. 
Yes, I'm glad I DID IT and I'm really anxious to see how many of the 7 actually write their life story. I'll report in later with any feedback I get.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,397. Good news for Ruth Ann.

Today is Monday, February 25, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 mles for a Februry total of 49.5
miles. My weight was 162.6 pounds.

QUOTE from a sign in N.Y, City: "Smile; you're designed to."

My THOUGHTS today have to do with stress relief for Ruth Ann and me in regard to
a blood test. Two weeks ago we both had physicals and blood tests. Ruth Ann had the CBC plus one for bone density. The bone density one came back showing  something a little abnormal in her protein levels. So she had to have another
blood test called Protein Electrophoresis (PEP). Ruth Ann did not know what the
doctor was looking for so she got on the internet and did some research. What she
found is that this test is looking for the production of a single, monoclonal protein M-
protein) which is a characteristic feature of multiple myeloma. Myeloma is cancer of the bone marrow. She had the test last Tuesday and needless to say she has not had
good week waiting for the doctor to call with the lab results. They never called so she
called the doctor this morning and got the results from the nurse. The nurse told her
that the test came back NORMAL and NO FURTHER TESTS needed. She was so relieved that she started crying - but it was a joyful cry. She nearly made me cry - I was as relieved as she was.
There is nothing worse than waiting for the results of a lab test. I remember when I
waited a week for the biopsy results on my prostate. And then after surgery I had to wait 3 months to see if cancer had spread to my bones. That was the longest 3 months
of my life. When I went for my 3 month check-up the nurse escorted me into the exam room - on the way she turned around and said "Peter, you had a good report." I was so relieved I got tears in my eyes. It will be 5 years in May since my surgery - so far, so good. I have my next check-up on March 13.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,396. Three babies per second.

Today is Sunday, February 24, 2013. No stats today - my day off. My weight was 163.8 pounds.

QUOTE from Judith Bigham in Guideposts Magazine: "True wealth is living simply-
learning what not to want and how not to want it."

My THOUGHTS  today. For the last two Sunday mornings I've been attending a church study group. We are examining a book entitled Exodus From Hunger by David Beckman. He is an ordained Lutheran minister who has been involved for many years in alleviating hunger and poverty in the world. This morning I brought up
some food for thought for our group of  14. I told them that Beckman hadn't addressed
the question of population growth in the world. In my opinion it is the main cause of poverty and hunger in the developing world. At the end of our discussion I told everybody that I had something I wanted to say regarding the topic of poverty and hunger.
Over the years I've given money to an organization called ZPG (Zero Population Growth). Their goal is to get world population growth to zero. That doesn't mean no more babies but the same amount of babies will be born as there are deaths in the
world. In other words the world's population will not grow. The statistic I wanted them
to think about was this: EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY, OUR GLOBAL POPULATION GROWS BY THREE BABIES. They were shocked!! Even the most
conservative guy in the room said "That is the problem." Next Sunday I'm going
with the total of new babies we have to feed from the last 7 days. I think I've added a
whole new dimension to our discussion. We'll see!!!! The leader of our discussion group talked to me afterward and thanked me for bringing it up. He said,
"You're right, Beckman did not address that issue."

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,395. Relish each day.

Today is Saturday 23, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the
ball and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles for a February total of 47.0 miles. My weight was at 163.2 pounds.

QUOTE from Tim Sanders, author of Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence. "Think of 5 things you are grateful today...Now how do you feel."

My THOUGHTS today: This morning I had my hair cut. The beautician immediately
told me that yesterday Jeff Ditch died of an aneurism. He was only 63 years of age. Jeff was not a close friend but a guy we always talked to at the Country Club. He was friendly, never said a negative word about anybody and was a hell of a golfer. I guess he had a pain going down his chest /stomach area in the morning, in the afternoon it got worse, then to the ER and finally he was airlifted by helicopter to the U. of I. hospitals in Iowa City. He was hooked up to a respirator but the doctors told the family
he was brain dead and they couldn't do anything to save him. Ruth Ann and I really liked him. His death made me think of my title today, "Relish every day." I''m sure Jeff didn't get out of bed yesterday morning saying "This is the day I die. We just never know when that day will come. That's why I say in my prayer every morning "Lord, thank you for another day of life and another day of good health. Amen."

Friday, February 22, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,394. Governor Braindead again!!

Today is Friday, February 22, 2013 - we had 5" of snow last night. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 37 minutes of walking = 2.0 miles for a February total of 44.5 miles. My weight was 162.4 miles.

QUOTE from Robert Schuller, author and pastor: " Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly."

My THOUGHTS  today have to do with our governor, Mr. Braindead, The Cedar Rapids Gazette had their own editorial this morning - I agreed with it. They urged the
Governor to expand Medicaid coverage to about 100,000 more low-
income Iowans. But Branstad is against it because he doesn't trust the federal government to keep its promises. If Iowa expands Medicaid coverage the governor believes, that someday, the feds will break on its promise to cover all, and eventually 90 per cent, of the additional cost.
The Gazette believes a more compelling problem is already here. And that's the sad fact that tens of thousands of Iowans do not have health coverage. No coverage for
illnesses, routine care, or preventive care. There are too many Iowans who are one accident or sickness away from disaster.This is a reality for many Iowans, many of whom are working.
Yes, the governor is worried about spending federal dollars to address the problem. But no matter what, somebody is going to pay for it. The costs will be passed on to the rest of us in the cost of care, our insurance rates will go up, and the hospitals will pay for it through charity care.
Governor, your resistance to this is hardly a path that leads Iowa to your goal of
making Iowa the healthiest state in the nation.

HUMOR for today: One of the hardest things about growing older, is having to listen
to a lot advice from one's own children

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,393. Ruffling GOP feathers.

Today is Thursday, February 21, 2013 - a 5-7 inch snow is coming this PM. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles for a February total of 42.5 miles. My weight was 162.8 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Carrey: "I think everybody should get rich and famous and do
everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer."

My THOUGHTS today have to do with a letter written to our local newspaper on February 7 . It was a letter from a lady disagreeing (with anger) about a letter
I had written on January 17 expressing my gratitude that Obama got elected to
a second term. So I'm writing another letter challenging some of her allegations about me and my reasons for being happy that Obama won.
One of her most outrageous lies was this: I had said in my January 17 letter I was grateful there was no more war in Iraq. She responded in her letter that there were 2,177 U.S. deaths in Iraq since the beginning of the war and 1,544 (three-fourths) were under Obama. In my new letter I'm writing that there were 4486 deaths in Iraq and not 2177. Government figures reveal that the number of deaths in Iraq during Obama's watch were: 149 in 2009, 60 in 2010, 54 in 2011 and 1 in 2012. I said if my arithmetric is correct Obama had 264 deaths under his watch and Bush had 4,222 under his - quite a difference from what the lady said. It will be interesting to see if she challenges those figures.
She also attacked me on the issues of Obamacare, unemployment (she said we have 88 million out of work), the national debt (it was all Obama's fault, of course), food stamps, North Korea plus many other things.
Why is there so much hate for Obama from the right-wingers? Much of it is racial but another reason is that the right never thinks they are responsible for anything. And yet they create many of the problems we face today.In my opinion another reason is that Obama has made some changes and change is hard for many people. I'm reminded of a quote from Woodrow Wilson: "If you want to make enemies, just try to change something."
I know one thing - I definitely ruffled some GOP feathers. One guy told me my
letter was the topic of conversation at his Saturday morning coffee. I love to ruffle GOP feathers.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,392. A new name for Congress

Today is Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - very cold today. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles
for a February total of 40.0 miles. My weight was 162.2 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: The 5 B's of getting older are: Baldness, Bridgework, Bifocals, Bunions and Bay Windows.

My THOUGHTS  today have to do with the cartoon on the opinion page of the Cedar
Rapids Gazette. It made me laugh. Obviously, I can't show the cartoonists drawings -
here was the message.
Drawing 1: If a rock passes by earth, it's called an asteroid.
Drawing 2: And if the rock burns up in the atmosphere, it's called a meteor.
Drawing 3: And if the rock hits the ground, it's called a meterorite.
Drawing 4: But if it just sits there like a ROCK, it's called CONGRESS.

Pretty true, isn't it? It'll be extremely interesting to see how this sequester mess comes out.

HUMOR for today: The latest new dance craze is called the "politician"'s two steps
forward, one step backward, and then a sidestep.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,391. What's wrong with Senator McCain?

Today is Tuesday, February 19, 2012.My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 51 minutes of walking =2.8 miles for a February total of 37.5 miles. My weight was 161.6 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "Don't pay money to trace your ancestry. Enter politics and your opponents will do it for you."

My THOUGHTS today have to do with Senator McCain of Arizona. My thoughts are
what has happened to that man. It's like he has gone off his rocker and turned into a bitter old man or turned a revenge-minded seventh grader. I used to have respect for him but it is long gone. For me, it started with the way he treated Obama in 2009 and 2010 (after he had lost the election in 2008). And my lack of respect for him grew when he ran for re-election in Arizona in 2010. He caved to the the Tea-Party primary voters and turned into a complete right-wing freako, abandoning about everthing he used to believe.
And my lack of respect is continuing to grow with the way he went after Susan Rice,
trying to make the four Benghazi deaths a super big deal, his treatment of Senator Hegel and the disgusting way he continues to go after Obama.
The sad part for me is I always considered him a moderate Republican and I always respected him for his independence. I wish I could still say that - but I can't. Maybe he
he is still bitter about losing to Obama in 2008. I wish I knew because he was once an honorable man.
Do I have any comments from anyone about Mr. McCain?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pete BLOG-Day 26,390. Go Iowa Hawkeyes.

Today is Monday, February 18, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 42 minutes of walking = 2.3 miles for a February total of 34.7 miles. My weight was 162.8 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "Judging by the divorce rate a lot of people who said "I Do" didn't.

My THOUGHTS today have to do with Iowa Hawkeye basketball. Hawkeye basketball is fun again. Yesterday, we were behind Minnesota by a score of 21-5 in the
first 7 minutes. Then we changed our defense to a 2-3 zone and started pressing, both half-court and full-court, and went on a rampage that I've never seen, ever. In the
next 33 minutes we outscored the Gophers 67-30 and won by a score of 72-51. Our
record is now 17-9. If we can win 3-4 more games we could get into the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2006. The other good news is that Carver-Hawkeye Arena is now sold out every game - with 15,400 fans.

HUMOR for today: Medication is so expensive these days that doctors are giving
prescriptions with a note "Take one pill as often as you can afford it.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,389. Some food for thought.

Today is Sunday, February 17, 2013. No stats today. My weight was 162.4 pounds

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "We must believe in luck. How else can we explain
explain the success of those we don't like?"

My THOUGHTS today are simply some food for thought with a little humor mixed in.
1. Many people manage to keep their heads above water because wood floats.
2. The bathtub was invented in 1850, and the telephone in 1875, had you lived in 1950,
you could have sat in the bathtub for the next 25 years without having the phone ring once.
3. Nothing reminds a person of all that needs to be done around the house like a spouse
who is taking it easy.
4. If life were a bed of roses, some people wouldn't be happy until they developed an allergy.
5. Never judge a person by his relatives, he did not choose them.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

PETE'S blog-dAY 26,388. More benefits from hugging and kissing.

Today is Saturday, February 16, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 36 minutes of walking = 2.0 miles for a February total of 32.2 miles. My weight was 162.0 pounds.

QUOTE fro Jim Doyne: "All marriages are happy, it's the living together afterward that causes the trouble."

My THOUGHTS today; On Valentine's Day I wrote about some of the benefits from hugging and kissing. I said it will lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and boost the immune system. In that same article I found some more benefits I didn't mention. Here they are:
Not only can being lovestruck help your ticker, but love also increases levels of anti-
aging hormones, a sense of well-being, immunity, happiness, longevity and overall
quality of life. And in loving relationships people experience lower levels of stress
hormones that allow them to sleep better, heal from illnesses and slow the natural 
breakdown of the body that occurs from lower levels of stress.
The bottom line is "Healthy relationships produce healthier people."

HUMOR for today: The average person has 69 pounds of muscle, 41 pounds of bone
and 3 pounds of brains....which seems to explain a lot of things.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,387. Barack - keep giving 'em hell.

Today is Friday, February 15, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 40 minutes of walking = 2.2 miles for a February total of 30.2 miles. My weight was 162.6 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "Life is like a poker game....if you don't put anything in the
pot, there won't be anything to take out."

Mu THOUGHTS  today: After watching President Obama's State of the Union address
I'm amazed at the reaction of the right-wingers. I thought it was an outstanding speech
and touched on most everything that needs to be done in this nation. Marco Rubio's
rebuttal was nothing more than Mitt Romney's campaign rhetoric - only with a new face. I hope Obama keeps the pressure on the Republicans to try and do
something for the good of America. So my message to the President is "keep giving
'em hell."

HUMOR for today: It may be true that life begins at fifty, but everything else starts to wear out, fallout or spread out.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pete BLOG-Day 26, 386. Love can make you healthier.

Today is Thursday, February 14, 2012 - Valentine's Day. No stats today as I had to go
to the hospital to have blood tests for cholestorol and PSA. I had a physical yesterday
and needed to have the blood tests for some final results. My February miles stayed at
28.0 miles. I got a clean bill of health - I was happy. My weight was 163.2 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "About the only kicks some folks get out of life are from

My THOUGHTS  today: Valentine's DAy has its origin in the 3rd century in the
Roman Empire. It was named after two legendary Christian martyrs whose feasts were
formerly observed on Feb. 14th.The association  of St. Valentine's Day with love and
courtship may have arisen from the coincidence of the date with the Roman festival of
Lupercalia. Lupercalia was a festival intended to ensure the fertility of people, fields,
and flocks for the new year.Young men would race around striking those they met with
goatskins and any women they struck were ensured of fertility and easy delivery of children. I'm not going to strike Ruth Ann with any goatskins today - she's not fertile anymore and definitely wouldn't want any more kids.

A lady named Kylie Helgens wrote a column last week on how love can make you
healthier. Here are her tips for good love leading to good health:
1. Give many HUGS to your loved one - it can lower blood pressure.
2. Kiss a lot - kissing will lower your blood pressure, boost the immune system and
reduce cholesterol levels. And the longer and more frequent the kisses the
more benefits you get. Each kiss should be at least 10 seconds or longer.
3. Write your loved one a love letter - spend at least 20 minutes writing the letter - it will also lower your cholesterol.
4. As a couple try something NEW and DIFFERENT - it creates a special bond and deepens relationships.

Ruth Ann and I have tried 3 of the 4 (we haven't written anything yet). They are a lot
of fun - we recommend you give them a try.

 HUMOR for today: I hope your blood pressure and cholesterol levels go down.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,385. Reasons to close the gun show loophole..

Today is Wednesday, February 13, 2012. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 37 minutes of walking = 2.0 miles for a February total of 28.0 miles. My weight went to 161.4 pounds.

QUOTE from the book of Romans 15:4: 'Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that....we might have hope."

My THOUGHTS today are about reasons to close the gun show loophole. Yesterday I received a letter from the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence. It had petitions for me to sign to send to Senators Grassley and Harkin- which I've signed. They gave 5 reasons why there is a need to close the gun show loopholes.
1. 10% of the guns used in crimes by juveniles and children were sold at gun shows and flea markets.
2. 63% of private sellers sold guns to purchasers who said they could not pass a background check.
3. "I would not have bought a gun for Eric and Dylan (the Columbine killers) if I had had to give any personal information or submit to any kind of check at all. (This is from Robyn Anderson, friend who bought guns at a local gun show for Eric and Dylan,)
4. 50%-75% of the vendors at most gun shows are unlicensed dealers.
5. No background checks are required by unlicensed sellers.

I want to be optimistic but I don't know. The stranglehold the NRA and gun manufacturers have on our members of Congress is disheartening, to say the least. I know Harkin will vote the right way but I'm worried about Grassley. I don't trust that guy anymore. We'll probably get something but it won't be enough.

HUMOR for today: One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to others.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,384. Romney and disdain for the poor..

Today is Tuesday, February 12, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 41 minutes of walking = 2.3 miles for a February total of 26.0 miles. My weight was 162.4 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "You only have to mumble a few words in church to get married and a few in your sleep to get divorced."

My THOUGHTS today are from Jim Hightower's (October) LOWDOWN. They have to do with Mitt Romney and some words he said during the campaign. During his infamous secretly videotaped $50,000-plate fundraiser in Florida, Romney was full of disdain for poor people "who pay no income tax." He didn't mention that nearly all of these poor people have incomes that are too low to be taxed. He also didn't mention that these poor people pay all kinds of taxes in their daily lives - including the sales tax, gasoline tax, property tax, Social Security tax, Medicare tax, driver's license tax, etc.
And he didn't mention that their are many rich people who don't pay any income tax. According to Hightower, last year there were about 4,000 households with income above a million dollars who paid no federal income tax. But Mitt, speaking to a room full of millionaires, expressed no disdain for these real tax dodgers. Why not, Mitt???

I'm a Democrat and this another one of the reasons why. In the world of propaganda techniques this is called "stacking the cards." In other words, they so conveniently leave out the "rest of the story." Thank God Mitt got beat. Amen!

HUMOR for today: When a man says he wears the pants at home, the chances are his wife tells him which pants to put on.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,383. Why I hate corporate greed.

Today is Monday, February 11, 2013 - it is a bitterly cold windy day. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 50 minutes of walking = 2.7 miles for a February total of 23.7 miles. My weight went to 162.4 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "According to recent reports, the U.S. produces 92 per cent of the world's natural gas....not counting the speeches of our politicians."

My THOUGHTS today have to do with my hatred of corporate greed. While reading Jim Hightower's LOWDOWN I became very angry when reading his account about the bankruptcy of Hostess Brands (the makers of Twinkies, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs, and Devil Dogs). 18,000 middle-class jobs were eliminated when they declared bankruptcy. You would think the owners and top executives at least could say, "We're sorry"--and do some sort of penance. But NO, they couldn't do that. What they did do was give the 19 top executives $1.8 million in bonuses. The bonuses were described as "incentive pay" to keep these geniuses on the job as they oversaw the firing of 18,000 workers. However, CEO Gregory Rayburn will NOT get a bonus.But don't shed tears for him, since he's currently being paid $125,000 - a month- to dismantle the company. But,wait, there's more.  Not satisfied with killing the livelihood of 18,000 workers, HOSTESS honchosalso looted money that, by contract, was supposed to go into the workers pension funds! As the company was sinking toward backruptcy, the DING DONGS in the executive suite were secretly diverting worker pension money into corporate operations in a stop-gap ploy to keep HOSTESS afloat-and to disguise their incompetence.
As Jim Hightower said, "Forget penance-these guys ought to be doing 10-to-20 years in prison for grand larceny."
You think I have a right, in this instance, to hate corporate America. All corporations aren't like this but there are way to many that are. Look at the Wall Street bankers who nearly brought the economies of America and the world to a total standstill in 2008 and 2009. They are still receiving the huge bonuses they were getting before the economic meltdown and NOT ONE OF THEM HAS SERVED A DAY IN PRISON FOR THEIR GREED, DECEPTION, AND LIES. This is what happens when there are no government regulations - we can learn from history that total unregulated laissez-fair economies nearly always lead to chaos DEPRESSIONS - SEVERE RECESSIONS (Just look at the twelve years of the Harding, Coolidge and Hoover administrations and the eight years of the Bush-Cheney administration. People are by nature greedy - and when there are no government regulations they get real greedy and they think only of money, more money and still more  money - no matter what the consequences are for other people. Just let me line my own pockets and the public be damned.

HUMOR for today: You know if brains were dynamite some people wouldn't have enough to blow their nose.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,382. Two laughs today.

Today os Sunday, February 19, 2013. No stats today - my day off. My weight wqas 163.4 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "School days can be the happiest days of your life...if your kids are old enough to attend,"

My THOUGHTS  today are a couple of funnies.

From the Reader's Digest - this is a true story that happened at a military base written by a guy named Floyd G. Seay. Our personnel officer, annoyed by a report from his secretary that soldiers were using the copying machine for personal documents, posted this notice: "Troops are not to tamper with the secreatry's reproduction equipment without approval of the officer in charge."

And this one from an email. Sister Mary worked for a home health agency and, while out making her rounds, ran out of gas. Luckily, there was a gas station a block away. The attendant told her their gas can was loaned out so she went back to the car  to find some thing to hold gas. In the back seat she had a bed pan she was taking to a patient so she carried it back to the pump, filled it with gasoline and headed back to her car. As she poured the bedpans contents into her tank, two atheists slowly drove by, watching her.  One turned to the other and said "if that car starts I'm turning CATHOLIC!!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,381. Natural gas for my car - $2 a gallon

Today is Saturday, February 9, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 50 minutes of walking = 2.7 miles for a February total of 21 miles. My weight was 163.4 pounds.

QUOTE from Steve Buscemi: "There's something about being naive. Really interesting things come because you don't know what the rules are, what you can and can'r do."

My THOUGHTS today are on something I learned when reading the Energy Connection insert in my gas bill from Black Hills Energy. The insert explained that in Lincoln, Nebraska Black Hills Energy has opened their first public compressed natural gas fill station. The station offers individuals or fleet customers a quick fill opportunity that takes no longer than what you're probably used to at your local gas station. And the best part is the price: Including tax, it's still less than $2 per gallon. Natural gas is the abundant, clean, reliable alternative to diesel fuel and gasoline. Now's a good time to become one of the 14 million drivers worldwide who have switched to natural gas to fuel their vehicles.
For more information about the Lincoln, NE fill station and how you can switch your fleet vehicles to natural gas - contact Paul Cammack at 402-437-1776.

I'm thinking seriously about giving Paul a call and getting more details - like how much would it cost to convert my Chrysler Town and Country to natural gas and where would I fill up in Anamosa.

HUMOR for today. Germs attack the weakest part of your body....which is the reason for so many head colds.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,380. Anamosa hero - Marshall Yanda - the Ravens did it

Today is Friday, February 8, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes lifting weights and 37 minutes of walking = 2.0 miles for a February total of 18.3 miles. My weight was down to 163.6 pounds. (I cut out my sweets yesterday and elimanated a few more calories and lost nearly two pounds.)

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "Money can't buy happiness, but it helps you to be unhappy in comfort."

My THOUGHTS today: We got the local Anamosa newspaper yesterday - of course, the headline was Anamosa's Yanda Super Bowl Champion. There were three photos of Marshall: #1 he was holding the Lombardi Trophy on the plane taking the team back to Baltimore. Marshall had a big smile on his face; #2 was a photo of Marshall blocking for Joe Flacco; and #3 was Marshall walking onto the 50 yard line with 7 other Ravens for the pre-game coin flip. Here are some comments by Marshall when he was contacted by phone by our local sports editor on Monday afternoon as he was boarding the plane.
"Right now, it just hasn't completely sunk in yet the magnitude of this win. I have a hard time putting into words what that means for me personally and professionally. I guess it can't get any better than this."
When the 49'ers were ready to score the winning touchdown in the last couple of minutes Marshall said; "As offensive players we have to think worst-case scenario and be prepared for the 49'ers scoring on that last drive. We've been in situations like that before, but thankfully we didn't have to again. Our defense came up with incredible stops, and then the party was on."
Yanda was able to celebrate on the field with his wife Shannon and their children Graham and Libby. His mother Ruth Byrd and father John (his mom and dad are divorced) along with sister Katie and members of his wife's family all made their way down onto the Superdome turf to enjoy the moment. Marshall said: "It was a very emotional time for all of us. It's been an amazing journey, which started way back in Anamosa. Who would have ever thought it would it would lead here to the Super Bowl? Just goes to show, dreams can come true if you just believe in yourself and work hard."

Yanda, as well as his teammates and families celebrated into the early morning hours after the colossal Super Bowl win. "I think I may have finally closed my eyes at about 7am. I've never seen a party like the one we had after the Super Bowl. Just incredible."

His post-season plans include: "I'm going to have surgery for my rotator cuff and then get in a lot of ice fishing in Canada. I'll bring my wife and kids back to Iowa first. I always look forward to coming home and spending time with family and friends. I'm ready to kick back a little bit."

Marshall graduated from Anamosa in 2003. I had him as my student in seventh grqd geography in 1997. He was an average student, a good kid with a pleasant way about him. I would never have predicted he would be on a winning Super Bowl team. He was not the best student in high school and couldn't get into Iowa or Iowa State to play football because of his low grades and poor ACT tests. So he went to North Iowa Community College in Mason City to play football, get a new attitude and get his grades in order. After two years there he had straightened out his grades (and attitude) and that's when Kirk Ferentz saw a video of him and offered him full ride scholarship to play football and graduate (which he did). After his senior year Ferentz (who had coached offensive line for the Ravens before he came to Iowa in 1999) called the Ravens and said they should draft Yanda because he had the potential to be a good offensive lineman in the NFL. The Ravens drafted him in the third round in 2007 and the rest is history.

HUMOR for today: We should exchange problems. Everybody seems to know how to solve the other's problems.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,379. Happiness equals a Royal Flush.

Today is Thursday, February 7, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 49 minutes of walking = 2.7 miles for a February total of 16.3 miles. My weight was 165. 4 pounds (time to lose a couple).

QUOTE from Wonderful Memories and Treasures by Jim Doyne. "In most homes it's a fifty-fifty proposition. The husband tells the wife what to do, and the wife tells the husband where to go."

My THOUGHTS  today. Ruth Ann and I like to go to the casinos and relax. We do not have to call 1-800-Bets Off. We go to relax and only spend a set amount. Two weeks ago I made $130.00 playing video poker in Waterloo. So Saturday we decided to go to Bettendorf and try again. I made up my mind that I was only going to play video poker and forget the slots - it paid off. I hit a Royal Flush playing five quarters at a time. I was dealt the ace, king, and queen of hearts and two little black cards. I kept the ace, king and queen, discarded the black ones and drew the ten and jack of hearts. I looked at the screen and it said ROYAL FLUSH and the pay-off was 4,000 quarters - which equals $1,000. My eyes about popped out of my head. Needless to say I had a fun time watching the machine add up 4,000 quarters. I cashed it out and went to the cashier to get my ten 100 dollar bills.  I put those in my left pocket and kept them there until we went home the next day.  I then made out a deposit slip and put it in the bank.
I don't know what the odds are of hitting a Royal Flush. The last time I had one was eight years ago when I was playing five nickels and won 10,000 nickels which equals $500.00. So the odds of hitting a Royal Flush are really slim - that makes two of them for me in eight years. See what I mean. But when it does happen it definitely creates a state of happiness. If I get another one in eight years I will be eighty years old. I hope my eyesight will be good enough to read the screen.

HUMOR for today: How come only the most sensible people agree with me?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,374. Inspiring words from Norman Vincent Peale.

Today is Saturday, February 2, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 37 minutes of walking=2.0 miles for a February total of 4.7 miles. My weight was 163.8 pounds.

QUOTE from rapper LL Cool J: "You get exactly what you are feeling. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances."

My THOUGHTS today are from an article written by Norman Vincent Peale for Guideposts Magazine in January, 1988. He was writing about New Year's resolutions for 1988. He said one resolution that would make 1988 a great year consisted of just two short words. And each word has only two letters. But they're packed with power. They can generate enormous energy and they can sweep away discouragement and failure. They can make it possible to accomplish just about any worthwhile goal. And what are those dynamic words? DO IT.
     Have you a promising idea? Do it! Do you have a cherished dream? Do it! Do you have a hidden ambition? Do it! Have you some great impulse, some burning desire? Do it!
DO IT! These are really two powerful words. At my age of 72 I have a thing or two I'd like to accomplish before it's too late. Now, with my church visitation duties I'm going to pursue one of them.

HUMOR for today: Most of us are broadminded enough to admit there are
two sides to every question....our side, and the side that no intelligent, informed, sane, and self-respecting person could possibly hold. (I like this one)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,373. Grassley - I'm waiting.

grassleyToday is Friday, February 1, 2012. It is bitter cold today - below zero as I write this at 11:15 AM. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 49 minutes of walking = 2.7 miles for a February total of 2.7 miles. My weight was 163.2 pounds.

QUOTE today from author Nora Roberts: "If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always NO. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place."

My THOUGHTS today:  Yesterday I called Senator Grassley's office in Washington, D.C. I talked to a receptionist - she was a nice young lady.  I told her I had a message for the Senator. My message was I would like to see him vote in favor af a BAN on military assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. She said she would deliver my message and then asked if I wanted a response. I said "YES". So she took down my name, address, and phone number and said I would be hearing from the Senator. I doubt if I will get a personal letter or call - his response will most likely be in the email letter he sends out every couple weeks. If I get a personal one I will record it in this BLOG. (I don't think he will support a BAN - he doesn't want to upset his Tea Party supporters or the NRA.)

HUMOR for today: Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell's wife said to him; "Let's go jogging together."
Mitch: "How come?."
Wife: "Because my doctor told me I could lose weight by working out with a dumb bell."