Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,374. Inspiring words from Norman Vincent Peale.

Today is Saturday, February 2, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 37 minutes of walking=2.0 miles for a February total of 4.7 miles. My weight was 163.8 pounds.

QUOTE from rapper LL Cool J: "You get exactly what you are feeling. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances."

My THOUGHTS today are from an article written by Norman Vincent Peale for Guideposts Magazine in January, 1988. He was writing about New Year's resolutions for 1988. He said one resolution that would make 1988 a great year consisted of just two short words. And each word has only two letters. But they're packed with power. They can generate enormous energy and they can sweep away discouragement and failure. They can make it possible to accomplish just about any worthwhile goal. And what are those dynamic words? DO IT.
     Have you a promising idea? Do it! Do you have a cherished dream? Do it! Do you have a hidden ambition? Do it! Have you some great impulse, some burning desire? Do it!
DO IT! These are really two powerful words. At my age of 72 I have a thing or two I'd like to accomplish before it's too late. Now, with my church visitation duties I'm going to pursue one of them.

HUMOR for today: Most of us are broadminded enough to admit there are
two sides to every question....our side, and the side that no intelligent, informed, sane, and self-respecting person could possibly hold. (I like this one)

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