Today is Monday, February 11, 2013 - it is a bitterly cold windy day. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 50 minutes of walking = 2.7 miles for a February total of 23.7 miles. My weight went to 162.4 pounds.
QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "According to recent reports, the U.S. produces 92 per cent of the world's natural gas....not counting the speeches of our politicians."
My THOUGHTS today have to do with my hatred of corporate greed. While reading Jim Hightower's LOWDOWN I became very angry when reading his account about the bankruptcy of Hostess Brands (the makers of Twinkies, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs, and Devil Dogs). 18,000 middle-class jobs were eliminated when they declared bankruptcy. You would think the owners and top executives at least could say, "We're sorry"--and do some sort of penance. But NO, they couldn't do that. What they did do was give the 19 top executives $1.8 million in bonuses. The bonuses were described as "incentive pay" to keep these geniuses on the job as they oversaw the firing of 18,000 workers. However, CEO Gregory Rayburn will NOT get a bonus.But don't shed tears for him, since he's currently being paid $125,000 - a month- to dismantle the company. But,wait, there's more. Not satisfied with killing the livelihood of 18,000 workers, HOSTESS honchosalso looted money that, by contract, was supposed to go into the workers pension funds! As the company was sinking toward backruptcy, the DING DONGS in the executive suite were secretly diverting worker pension money into corporate operations in a stop-gap ploy to keep HOSTESS afloat-and to disguise their incompetence.
As Jim Hightower said, "Forget penance-these guys ought to be doing 10-to-20 years in prison for grand larceny."
You think I have a right, in this instance, to hate corporate America. All corporations aren't like this but there are way to many that are. Look at the Wall Street bankers who nearly brought the economies of America and the world to a total standstill in 2008 and 2009. They are still receiving the huge bonuses they were getting before the economic meltdown and NOT ONE OF THEM HAS SERVED A DAY IN PRISON FOR THEIR GREED, DECEPTION, AND LIES. This is what happens when there are no government regulations - we can learn from history that total unregulated laissez-fair economies nearly always lead to chaos DEPRESSIONS - SEVERE RECESSIONS (Just look at the twelve years of the Harding, Coolidge and Hoover administrations and the eight years of the Bush-Cheney administration. People are by nature greedy - and when there are no government regulations they get real greedy and they think only of money, more money and still more money - no matter what the consequences are for other people. Just let me line my own pockets and the public be damned.
HUMOR for today: You know if brains were dynamite some people wouldn't have enough to blow their nose.
Monday, February 11, 2013
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