Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,391. What's wrong with Senator McCain?

Today is Tuesday, February 19, 2012.My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 51 minutes of walking =2.8 miles for a February total of 37.5 miles. My weight was 161.6 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "Don't pay money to trace your ancestry. Enter politics and your opponents will do it for you."

My THOUGHTS today have to do with Senator McCain of Arizona. My thoughts are
what has happened to that man. It's like he has gone off his rocker and turned into a bitter old man or turned a revenge-minded seventh grader. I used to have respect for him but it is long gone. For me, it started with the way he treated Obama in 2009 and 2010 (after he had lost the election in 2008). And my lack of respect for him grew when he ran for re-election in Arizona in 2010. He caved to the the Tea-Party primary voters and turned into a complete right-wing freako, abandoning about everthing he used to believe.
And my lack of respect is continuing to grow with the way he went after Susan Rice,
trying to make the four Benghazi deaths a super big deal, his treatment of Senator Hegel and the disgusting way he continues to go after Obama.
The sad part for me is I always considered him a moderate Republican and I always respected him for his independence. I wish I could still say that - but I can't. Maybe he
he is still bitter about losing to Obama in 2008. I wish I knew because he was once an honorable man.
Do I have any comments from anyone about Mr. McCain?

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