Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,392. A new name for Congress

Today is Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - very cold today. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles
for a February total of 40.0 miles. My weight was 162.2 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: The 5 B's of getting older are: Baldness, Bridgework, Bifocals, Bunions and Bay Windows.

My THOUGHTS  today have to do with the cartoon on the opinion page of the Cedar
Rapids Gazette. It made me laugh. Obviously, I can't show the cartoonists drawings -
here was the message.
Drawing 1: If a rock passes by earth, it's called an asteroid.
Drawing 2: And if the rock burns up in the atmosphere, it's called a meteor.
Drawing 3: And if the rock hits the ground, it's called a meterorite.
Drawing 4: But if it just sits there like a ROCK, it's called CONGRESS.

Pretty true, isn't it? It'll be extremely interesting to see how this sequester mess comes out.

HUMOR for today: The latest new dance craze is called the "politician"'s two steps
forward, one step backward, and then a sidestep.

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