Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pete's BLOG- Good News and some bad naews.

Today is Saturday, August 3, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the ball and 36 minutes of walking = 2.0 miles for an August total of 4.5 miles. My weight was 163.6 pounds. My THOUGHTS today have to do with good news and one pretty bad event. First the GOOD NEWS. 1. On Sunday night Brad and Lene arrived safely from Denmark. They will be here for several weeks - not only visiting us but also visiting friends in Wadena, Mn and Kansas City. 2. On Wednesday night we got a phone call from Copenhagen, Denmark. I was Granddaughter Alexandra talking in a very excited manner. She said "Grandpa and Grandma, I've been accepted in to Medical School at the University of Copenhagen. She said her Mom (Inge) was so happy she was drinking champagne and dancing around the dining room table." So congratulations to Alexandra - she has a long journey but she will be up to it. 3. Carron said she had an email from Air Force son Wesley, in New Jersey, that he had been promoted to Staff Sargeant. He was pretty happy and excited 4. Now the not-so-happy news. Thursday morning, at 5:30 AM, Carron was going to work. She got in her car and remembered she had forgotten her travel mug of coffee. She went back in the house, got her mug, and started pouring from the scolding hot pot. As she was pouring the coffee, the cat, Isabelle, jumped from the top of the frig and hit her right arm, which was holding the pot - she spilled the hot coffee on back of her left hand. The hand looks like an uncooked piece of beef. Yesterday, I took her to the University of Iowa burn unit and they treated her. No more work until further notice. She has second degree burns and possibly third degree on some parts. The nurses cleaned it first, then covered it with a thin gauze cloth, and then they covered the cloth with a cream and finally they put like a glove over her hand to keep it in place and moist. Every morning she is to shower with the glove on, then remove it and clean the open burn with a special soap and then put a fresh gauze cloth on, soak it with the cream and then put a new glove over it for another day. They gave her morphine right at the hospital and a prescription for more. She has to elevate it to lessen the pain. She goes back to the hospital on the 13th. What a bummer. She hasn't been at the factory job long enough to get any sick leave - so that means no income for yesterday, all of next week and two days into the next week. However. it could've been worse - if it had spilled on her face or eyes, etc.

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