Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pete;s BLOG-Day 26,630. GOP and Obamacare

Today is Monday, October 28, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 46 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles for an October total of 57.6 miles. My weight was 166.0 pounds. I'm still trying to lose the 10 pounds I gained on the baseball trip. When I left on the trip I was 162.0 pounds. I want to lose 2-4 more pounds for sure.

Quote from Barbara Walters: "My biggest regret-and I regret it every day, yet I don't do anything about it-is that I've never kept a diary." It has been said that one of the biggest regrets people have in life is not the things they did do but the things they didn't do.

My THOUGHTS  today have to do with Obamacare and the GOP attitude toward it.

With Texas Ted Cruz leading the way and the TEA PARTY members following along like a bunch of sheep we have witnessed a government shutdown and a 100% effort to defund and destroy ObamaCare. This whole scenario has raised some questions for me. Here are 11 of them:

1. Why do you opponents of ObamaCare not want health care for every American?
Every American over 65 has Medicare so why shouldn't every American have it.

2. Do you believe ObamaCare is socialism? If you answered yes then please do not take advantage of Medicare at age 65 - because that is truly socialism - in other words it is government run health care.

3. Do you ObamaCare haters know that The Affordable Care Act was copied after a Republican idea that was implemented in Massachusetts in 2006? The governor of Massachusetts at the time was a Republican - his name was Mitt Romney. He was proud as a peacock that he was the governor of the FIRST state in the union to implement universal health care.

4. Did you know that RomneyCare is working in Massachusetts?  Like ObamaCare they had a rocky start also with computer glitches, etc.

5.,Under ObamaCare insurance companies can no longer refuse to cover people with pre-existing conditions. Are you for or against this?   

6. Do you think it is a good idea that under Obamacare parents can now cover their kids until age 26 and preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies are free?

7. I find it hypocritical that Congressional Tea Party members are calling for the resignation of Kathleen Sibelius? (Secretary of Health and Human Services). She didn't cause the computer glitches. In 2006 when the Republican-sponsored Part D Prescription Drug Program was launched there were all kinds of glitches and delays and confusion.  Some of these same congressional conservatives said at that time that we can expect this kind of problem when launching a new health care program. It took over a year to get things straightened out. ObamaCare is more complicated than the Part D Drug Plan - so I suspect it will take more than a year to get it rolling. Do you agree or disagree that these conservative members of Congress are displaying hypocrisy at its best?

8. By the way, there were many problems enrolling people in Social Security in 1935 and the same for  Medicare in 1965. Do you conservatives want to get rid of these two socialist programs?

9. From January of 2003 to January of 2007 the Republicans had total control of the federal government - this included the presidency, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Why didn't Republicans pass a comprehensive health care bill for the American people when they had total control?

10.  If you hate ObamaCare so much what would be the Republican plan for universal health care in Americans?

11. Many of the most conservative Republicans in the U.S. claim to be good Christians. I'm a Christian also but I truly believe that the Jesus I worship would want health care for all Americans. So tell me, what would the Jesus you worship do about health care in America?

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