Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pete's BLOG: Day 26,631. The NSA and Spying

Today is Tuesday, October 29, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the ball and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles for an October total of 61.1 miles. My weight was 166 pounds.

My inspirational QUOTE today is from Ben Bernanke:  "Nobody likes to fail, but failure is an essential part of life and of learning. If your uniform isn't dirty, you haven't been in the game."

My THOUGHTS today have to do with the NSA spying on Americans and foreign leaders like Angela Merkel, the leader of Germany .
There is lots of blame flying around about President Obama and the NSA spying. Who is to blame and when did it start? From what I can gather on the internet we started spying on our fellow Americans and foreign leaders when, after 9/11/01,  the Patriot Act was passed when George W. Bush was President. The info on the internet said the NSA was given permission under the Patriot Act to intercept phone calls and emails on American citizens and foreigners all in the name of fighting terrorism. The  internet also said the NSA has been monitoring Angela Merkel's phone messages since 2002, three years before she became leader of Germany. Why?  I don't know. The sad thing is the NSA has continued to spy under the Obama Administration just like it did under George W. Bush.

Anyway, I hope Obama does something about this? It is not a good way to treat your friends.

We can thank the deceased Osama bin Laden for this mess.

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