Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Welcome to Pete Bungum's BLOG

Today, November 26, 2010, I'm launching my BLOG. The idea for me to have a blog was planted in my mind by my niece, Jane BungumZupancic. In 2009 I wrote a Gratitude Journal. For the 365 days of 2009 I expressed my gratitude to many of the people who and things that made a positive difference in my life. Jane purchased a copy of my book and sent me a note expressing her feelings about my journal. Jane's words were, "You are a very good writer. You have a nice sense of humor and an informative style. You'll do well with a blog." She wrote those words on April 9, 2010. I've been thinking about it for seven months and with Jane's encouragement I have finally decided to give it a try.

I've entitled my blog A GRATEFUL SENIOR CITIZEN. The first reason for the title is, obviously, I'm a senior citizen (I turned 70 on November 20). The second reason is I'm grateful for the good life I've lived for seventy years. I'm enjoying life at age seventy and want to use this blog to show some of the ways I'm grateful.

I intend to tell how gratedful I am that I still enjoy learning. I've always had a curious mind and have enjoyed learning new and different things from my pre-school days right up to age seventy. The most important words in my life have always been WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY and HOW. As actor Edward Norton said, "Keep learning new things. Keep looking for experiences that expand your sense of the world."

I'm going to show I still have a good sense of humor. There will be a lot of humor in this blog. I'm grateful I'm not a grumpy old man.

I'm grateful I can see the positive side of things. Being negative is no way to live. I'm going to include a quote with every post. The quote will be something positive and make us think and reflect a little.

I'm grateful I can still be inspired by thoughts, words, deeds, etc. I will write about some of those that have inspired me in my seventy years.

I'm grateful I have many great memories from my seventy years. I intend to share many of those.

I'm grateful I learned a long time ago that one way to brighten my day was to brighten someone else's day. I will share some of those "day brightener's."

And I know people are happier when they have a project to work on. I now have a project. So why not share in the form of a blog.

1 comment:

  1. I being me am grateful to have met you! the wrabbit !
