Monday, August 29, 2011

More reasons for sayings.

QUOTE from J.P. Morgan: "I made a fortune by getting out of the stock market too soon."

I LEARNED some more reasons for sayings. According to the book LIFE IN THE 1500s" they all originated in Europe in the 1500s.

Pork was a luxury in the 1500s. If people had bacon, they would hang up a slab to show it off. It was an honor to be able to "BRING HOME THE BACON."
When company came, a man would slice off a little for each guest and they would sit around and "CHEW THE FAT."

Loaves of bread were divided according to status. Workers got the bottom of the loaf (often scorched), the family got the middle and guests got the top or the "UPPER CRUST."

In England, it was discovered that some coffins that were reopened after several years had scratch marks inside indicating the person had not been dead when buried. So they tied a string to the wrist of each person that led to a bell above the ground. Someone was assigned to sit at night and listen for the bells, which created the expressions,"GRAVEYARD SHIFT" and "SAVED BY THE BELL."

Whiskey was drunk from lead cups, the combination sometimes knocked people cold. If found on the road, they would be taken home and laid on the kitchen table. The family would gather around and wait and see if they would wake up. This was called "HOLDING A WAKE."

HUMOR for today:

A class reunion is a time when men and women travel great distances to be with people they haven't seen in 20 years.
Then they soon discover that 20 years is too often.

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