Monday, August 8, 2011

Why we should enjoy every day.

QUOTE from Oscar Wilde: "I am not young enough to know everything."

If there's one thing I've LEARNED in life it can be summed up in the above quote.The older I get the more I realize that is so true. I realize how little I really know and how much more I want to know. So one of the reasons I'm writing in this BLOG several times a week is to make myself keep LEARNING.

With that introduction I'm going to talk today about why we should thank the good Lord every morning for another day of life, and hopefully another day of good health. While reading AARP Magazines latest issue I saw on the back page some milestone birthdays this month for six famous people. They were  Geoffrey Rush(age 60), Martha Stewart (age 70), Regis Philbin (agae 80), Nance Reagan (age 90), John Glenn (age 90), and Ben Bradlee (age 90). The thought running through my mind was these people have made good use of the days of life they have been given.Which then led me to start figuring out just how many days of life they had lived so far. Here are the results:
At 60 years Geoffrey Rush has lived about 21,900 days. (Rush played the stuttering coach for the king in The King's Speech.
At 70 years Martha Stewart (and Pete Bungum) have lived about 25,550 Days. Actually I have about 270 more days than Martha as my 70th birthday was last November 20th.
At 80 years Regis Philbin has lived about 29,200 days.
At 90 years Nancy Reagan, John Glenn, and Ben Bradlee have lived about 32,850 days.

The bottom line is we ALL get only so many days of life on this earth. To me, we should enjoy each and every one of them. When I fully retired from the work world in 2004 I decided I was going to do the following with my new freedom to help me enjoy each day I had left on this earth.

1. I was going to stay physically active. I would work out for at least 45-60 minutes a day for at least five days a week. (I do yoga and walk 45 minutes.)

2, I was going to stay mentally active by continuing to LEARN. I would do that by doing a lot of reading, watching a lot of the History Channel, watching the news channels, do a lot of traveling - I WANTED TO NEVER STOP LEARNING.

3. Write some books including my autobiography.

4. I would say a little prayer each morning expressing my gratitude to the good LORD for another day of life and asking his blessings for the people I pray about.  (I wrote a 365 day Gratitude Journal in 2009 in which I expressed my gratitude to 365 people and things who/that enhanced my life in some way.)

5. And FOCUS FORWARD  meaning to set some short term and long term goals. I did that by making a list of things I wanted to do before my days expired. I've achieved over half. I've found that having goals improves your outlook on life and wards off depression.

At age 70 all I can say is so far, so good. My five point plan is working. I'm a pretty happy dude at age 70.

HUMOR FOR TODAY comes from the HAGAR THE HORRIBLE  comic strip.

Hagar is on top of a mountain talking to God.

Hagar says: "I keep complaining about my wife but you never listen!"
God says: "I'm so sorry, but I suggest you contact my local representative in your area."
Hagar says: Who is that?"
God says: "Your wife Helga."

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