Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pete's Revised BLOG - Day 12.

Today is my 26,021st day on earth. I did my yoga, the excercise ball. walked 54 minutes = 3.0 miles - March total is 45 miles. My weight is 163.4 pounds.

Ruth Ann and I are busy packing as we are headed to San Francisco for my nephew's wedding. I wrote about this wedding on Day 6, March 14.

Yesterday I read an article in the AARP Bulletin. It was about, Whatever happened to civility? It was talking about the lack of civility in the United States. The author, Sara Hacala, said that technology has forever altered the style, speed, sensational media, and polarized politics remain. People have more ugly attitudes in today's society and are more rude and crude than ever before. By the way the word civility is derived from the Old French and Latin term for "good citizen."

Sara says that reversing the current course of incivility is a challenge for our times. However. there is "greatness" in treating others with respect, compassion, kindness, and generosity. She listed five tools to do this:

1. Regardless of your age, make a habit of practicing kindness, generosity, and gratitude. Research shows that people people who regularly engage in these acts live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

2. Nurture you social relationships - this can bring your greatest happiness.

3. Establish meaningful dialogue with medical providers, asserting your right to respectful and compassionate treatment.

4. Seize "teachable moments" with your grandchildren when they are in your house. Research is showing just how important grandparents are in setting examlpes of civility.

5. Promote decency and decorum among our elected officials. Tell them to act like mature adults and not a bunch of middle school kids. Urge them to be civil to each other and be willing to compromise and be bipartisan so we avoid gridlock and get something done for the good of the American people.

I will not be BLOGGING for these days:
Day 26,022 March 21
Day 26,023 March 22
Day 26,024 March 23
Day 26,025 March 24
Day 26,026 March 25
Day 26,027 March 26
Day 26,028 March 27
Day 26,029 March 28

California, here I come!!!!

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