Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pete"s bLOG-Day 26,527. The World's Happiest Nations

Today is Saturday, July 6, 2012. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the ball and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles for a July total of 14.0 miles. My weight was 163.8 pounds.

QUOTE from Life's Little Instruction Book: "Never give a loved one a gift that suggests they need improvement."

My THOUGHTS today have to do with happiness in the world. I've been reading the latest TIME magazine - their main story was titled THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
I was curious as to who the world's happiness nations are. There have been several surveys done in recent years and they all pretty much agree who the nations are but not necessarily in the same order Here is one list I found.

1. Norway     2. Denmark     3. Sweden     4. Australia     5. New Zealand     6. Canada
7. Finland      8. Netherlands  9. Switzerland     10, Ireland     11. Luxembourg
12. U.S.         13. U.K.          14. Germany   15. Iceland

As you can see the continent of Europe dominates followed by the 4 nations that were discovered,  colonized and developed by European nations.

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