Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One minute of Facebook

QUOTE from JFK: "The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is unchangeable or cetain."

I learned today that every 60 seconds Facebook is packed with a lifetime's worth of social interactions. Look at these numbers - remember they are for one minute of time.
- there are 510,000 comments
- 382,861 posts liked
- 231.605 messages sent
- 135,849 photos added
- 98,604 friendships approved
- 82,557 status updates
- 79,364 wall posts
- 74,204 event invites received
- 72,816 pages likes
- 66,168 photos tagged
- 55,304 links shared


HUMOR for today: Ole comes from such a small town in Minnesota....they have only one yellow page.
It's so small...McDonald's has only has one arch.
And you have to order a Big Mac out of a catalogue.
They had to close the zoo....because the clam died.
And the local hooker is a virgin.

1 comment:

  1. Good grief. Where'd you get that joke?
    Re. Facebook, you have to see the movie "The Social Network"...it's about Mark Zucherman (sp?) and the evolution of FB.
