Wednesday, February 9, 2011

President Obama's cousins

QUOTE from Anne Morrow Lindbergh, aviator: "By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class."

LEARNING about President Obama's relatives, very interesting. I learned this from an article I cut out of the newspaper last October.

President Obama is related to Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. The online geneology service,, reported that Obama and Palin are 10th cousins and Obama and Limbaugh are 10th cousins once removed. The ties in both cases goes back to the 1600s. Obama also has family ties to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Warren Buffet and Brad Pitt. The ties definitely run through Obama's white, Kansas born mother's side of the family. (Source: Cedar Rapids Gazette, 10-14-10.) Wouldn't it be interesting if they had a family reunion!!!!!!!!

HUMOR for today: IN THE BEGINNING. In the beginning, GOD created the Heavens and the earth and populated the Earth with broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.

Then using GOD'S great gifts, SATAN created Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Krispy Creme Donuts. And SATAN said, "You want chocolate with that?" And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "and as long as you're at it, add some sprinkles." And they gained 10 pounds. And SATAN smiled.

(I'm not done - Part 2 will come on my next post.)

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