Friday, May 13, 2011

Part 1 - What's going on in America (and what's wrong with America.)

QUOTE from Henry Kissinger: "Ninety percent of the politicans give the other 10 percent a bad reputation."

I've been doing a of reading lately and LEARNING a lot about what is going on in America and what's wrong with America.) I'm going to share some of what I've LEARNED. My posting today has to do with GE. I learned the following eye-opening info from The Hightower LOWDOWN.

We've been hearing a lot of noise lately about the need for "shared sacrifice" to cope with multibillion-dollar budget deficits. Everyone must do their part by giving up even essential programs.

Everyone? Who's that hiding in the bushes? Gee, it's General Electric, the global conglomerate that has made tax dodging its chief business. In the past five years, GE has amassed $26 billion in profits just from its American operations - AND PAID EXACTLY ZERO IN TAXES.

Meanwhile, GE is doing its own whack job on its workers by demanding that they agree to cuts in union wages, pensions, and health coverage. It's a concerted effort by corporate elites and their politicians to crush America's middle class. (Exxon Mobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009, paid no federal income taxes, and got a $156 million rebate from the IRS.)

Only 6.6 percent of our nations's tax revenue comes from corporations - down from 30 percent in the 1950s.

My HUMOR for today: Mark Twain said, "When angry, count four; when very angry, swear." After learning about GE I"ll have to admit I did some swearing.

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