Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pate' BLOG-Day 26,435. Deadly Sin #6.

Today is Thursday, April 4, 2013 - Ruth Ann's 73rd birthday. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the ball and 37 minutes of walking = 2.0 miles for an April total of  9.4 miles. My weight was 160.2 pounds.

QUOTE from Kristen Wigg: "There's something very powerful about looking in the mirror and asking yourself a question. Because I think it's really hard to lie."

My THOUGHTS today are on Ruth Ann's 73rd birthday and Deadly Sin #6. (There is no relationship between the two).

With 36% of American adults being obese it may seem that there is no silver lining to gluttony. But there are times when gluttony is necessary.
 For endurance athletes who burn 9,000 or more calories a day in training, being gluttonous is the only way to sustain energy. Michael Phelps ate close to 12,000 calories a day so it was necessary he be a glutton by eating lots of pizza, pasta and pancakes.
 Even people trying to lose weight can be a little gluttonous; When their willpower gets  down to zero it doesn't hurt to sneak a cookie after a healthy breakfast or even have the occasional cheat meal - that will keep their willpower needle toward full and strengthen their willpower over the long haul.

Happy Birthday to Ruth Ann on her 73rd and Go Hawks in the NIT Championship game against Baylor tonight at 8 pm on ESPN.

HUMOR for today: YOU KNOW YOU'RE GETTING OLDER WHEN...( Ruth Ann and I can both relate to some of these).
Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work.
You need oxygen after blowing out your birthday candles.
You burn the midnight oil by 9 pm.
Your kids begin to look middle-aged.
I can' remember when I stand in front of the fridge if I just put food away or have I come to take some out.

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