Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,456. My daughter turned 50 yesterday-she's elgible for AARP.

Today is Thursday, April 25, 2013.

My THOUGHTS today.
Yesterday was  daughter Carron's 50th birthday. On April 24, 1963, I was in my first year of teaching school in Martelle. Ruth Ann awakened me around 5-6 AM and said it was time to get a sitter for Brad and to call the principal for a sub. At 7:30 AM we went to a friend's home in Anamosa. Ruth Ann called the doctor's home - his wife answered - told Ruth Ann she was definitely in labor. The doctor's wife called her husband at his office. His office happened to be right next door to our friend's house - the doctor walked over to the house and told Ruth Ann you need to get to the hospital. We went to the hospital about 8:30 and Carron was born at 9:26 that evening, She had an unbelievable amount of black hair. The next day at school I wrote on the blackboard, "Last night, at 9:26 PM, Miss America, 1983, was born at the Anamosa Hospital. " The kids got a kick out of that. Another memory is that I had to pay for my sub - it cost me $12.00. There was no such thing as personal leave days at that time. I didn't know I had to pay until I got a letter from the superintendent in June stating that I had to pay my sub. Twelve dollars doesn't sound like much but when your monthly take home pay is $309.00 it is quite a bit. (And people wonder why teachers wanted to organize and form a union - this is one of many reasons why.)

My for stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the ball and 39 minutes of walking = 2.1 miles for an April total of 49.1 miles. My weight was 161.2 pounds.

Inspiring QUOTE form OUR IOWA magazine. "Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor."

Tomorrow I plan to write about the possible rematch between Carson Ode and Jerry Narveson.

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