Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pete's BLOG: Day 26,665. Gift #29 - three little gifts to myself.

Today is Wednesday, December 5, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the ball and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 miles for a December total of 11.0 miles. My weight was 165.2 pounds.

QUOTE for today from Harry Sheehy, former athletic director at Williams College: "It is your response to winning or losing that makes you a winner or loser." After watching the Auburn - Alabama game on Saturday I thought this would be a good quote.

My THOUGHT today is about Gift #29.

In Regina Brett's book, God Never Blinks, she titled chapter 25, NO ONE ELSE IS IN CHARGE OF YOUR HAPPINESS, YOU ARE THE CEO OF YOUR JOY. She went on to say in paragraph two that "Women and Men would both be a lot happier if they read their own minds and took care of their own needs and wants."

I agree 100%. So Gift 29 is to myself - in fact it is a gift I have been giving myself for about 6-7 years. When I had prostate cancer surgery in May, 2007 I made some decisions I was going to follow the rest of my life. There was the possibility that the cancer could spread to my bones and that could/would shorten my life expectancy by a few years or many years. One big decision I made at that time was that I was going to make every day count and pretend it could be my last one. And I was going to make myself as happy as I could everyday by giving myself little GIFTS.

So everyday I pamper myself with three little gifts.

1. In the morning when I'm done doing my yoga or weights or ball exercises and before I go walking I gift myself with a half a banana and some chocolate. Chocolate is the gift.  I love chocolate and decided I was going to enjoy some everyday the rest of my life. I buy Giardello's 60% cacao chips and eat 6-7 chips every morning. So gift #1 is chocolate  chips.

2. Gift #2 is ice cream. I also love ice cream. So I buy a box containing sixteen 100 calorie ice cream bars at Walmart. I cut the bars in half so I only get 50 calories. I gift myself with half an ice cream bar everyday after my noon lunch.

3. Gift #3 is herring and nuts. I love herring and nuts. So the 3rd gift to myself everyday comes at 3:30 in the afternoon. This is my afternoon snack time. I have 1/4 cup of mixed nuts and 2 pieces of herring.

CONCLUSION; Every morning when I awaken I have 3 little gifts to look forward to. Regina said life is good when you take care of your own happiness. This is one way I take care of my own happiness.

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