Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pete's BLOG: Day 26,677: Brother John's birthday.

Today is Tuesday, December 17, 2013. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the ball and 36 minutes of walking inside Walmart = 2.0 miles for a December total of  33 miles. My weight was 165.4 pounds.

 QUOTE today from FDR: "A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who has never learned to walk."  

My THOUGHTS  today are on brother John's 71st birthday. There were  ten of us kids born to Norman and Elsie Bungum.  Paul was born in 1927, Betty in 1928, Don in 1931, Jan in 1933, Jim in 1934, Chuck in 1936,  Me in 1940, John in 1942, Karen was born and died in May of 1944, and Mark in 1946.  I was born on November 20, 1940 and John on December 17, 1942. So John and I were two years and one month apart.  As a result of the two year spread we spent the most time with each other growing up. So we have a lot of memories of each other. We had our share of fights but for the most part we got along and spent a lot of time together - especially playing football, baseball, basketball in our back yard and in school at Chatfield Junior and Senior High.

We have maintained a good relationship as adults. I think the best thing we have done as adults is to take the Major League Baseball trip this past September. With my son Brad along we visited ten major league stadiums from Sept. 1 to Sept. 17. It is probably the best memory of our lifelong relationship that John and I will ever have.

Anyway, Happy Birthday John. Be grateful you've made it to 71 in good health.


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