Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pete and his 4 numbers

QUOTE from Aldous Huxley: "Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him."

I LEARNED what the Mayo Clinic thinks of my 4 numbers.

Yesterday I got a call from the doctor's office telling me what my 4 numbers were. The numbers were 132, 48, 190, and 51. I had a physical last week and had a blood test. I would guess most of you can figure out what the numbers mean.
132 was my LDL (the bad stuff)
48 was my HDL (the good stuff)
190 was my total cholesterol
51 was my triglycerides

I went to google and got the Mayo Clinic levels and what they mean.
Here is what the Mayo Clinic says about my numbers.

LDL: Below 100 is ideal for people at risk of heart disease.
100-129 - near ideal.
130-159 - borderline high. (I was here at 132- almost made it)
160-189 - high.
190-above - very high.

HDL: Below 40 - poor.
41-59 - better. (I was here at 48)
60-above - best.

Cholesterol: Below 200 - desirable. (I was here at 190)
200-239 - borderline high.
240-above - high.

Triglycerides: Below 150 - desirable. ( I was here at 51)
150-199 - borderline high.
200-499 - high.
500 - above - very high.

My numbers are pretty decent, but I wouldn't get an "A". I guess I'd put myself in the C+ to B- range. Dr. Vernon would like to see my LDL number under 100. He decided I didn't need medication at this time.

What thing I can't figure out is even though my HDL and LDL add up to 180 the lab says my total cholestorol is 190. I don't know where the extra ten points come from?????

How do some of you readers stack up to the Mayo Clinic rankings?

HUMOR for today: Golf season is about upon us. This is a cute golf joke.

Some golfers were trying to persuade a guy to play in a weekend tournament. The guy says, "Naaahh! I already played 3 times this week."

Then the golfers said, "Come on, it's for handicapped and blind kids."

The guy starts to think about it, "Hell, I could win this thing."

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