Friday, August 3, 2012

Pete's BLOG - Day 26,190. Chidbirth rules from Leviticus.

Today is Friday, August 3, 2012. And yet another hot, humid and rainless day. I'm sick of it.

My stats for today: 12 minutes of yoga stretching and breathing, 10 minutes of weight lifting, and 50 minutes of walking = 2.6 miles for an August total of 6.9 miles. My weight was 162.2 pounds.

I've been reading the Old Testament book of Leviticus. Bible scholars believe this book was written by Moses in 1440BC or 1220BC. It was designed to be a handbook for the priests or Levites, hence the name Leviticus. It sets down the regulations that were to govern the life of the people of Israel.
The reason I'm reading it is that some right-wing Christian churches like to quote verses from this book that they agree with. BUT they simply ignore the ones that do not fit in with their beliefs in today's world. I'm recording some of the rules they ignore.

Today I'll record the rules for childbirth.

12:2-4. When a baby BOY is born, the mother shall be ceremonially defiled for 7 days, and under the same restrictions as during her monthly menstrual periods. On the 8th day, her son must be circumcised. Then, for the next 33 days, while she is recovering from her ceremonial impurity, she must not touch anything sacred, nor enter the Tabernacle.

12:5-6. When a baby GIRL is born, the mother's ceremonial impurity shall last for 14 days, during which time she will be under the same restrictions as during menstration. Then , for a further 66 days she shall continue her recovery. When these days of purification are ended (whether a boy or girl), she must bring a lamb for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering. She is to bring these to the door of Tabernacle and give to the priest, and the priest will will offer them before the Lord and make atonement for her; then she will be ceremonially clean again after her bleeding at childbirth.

Ladies, what do you think of these rules? Tomorrow I'll explain the rules for menstration and intercourse.

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