Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,209. Legitimate rape???

Today is Tuesday, August 21, 2012. It is another perfect day. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 50 minutes of walking = 2.7 miles for an August total of 39.4 miles. My weight was 162.8 pounds.

I learned a new phrase today and it is "legitimate rape." Missouri Congressman Todd Akin is the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. He was saying that when a woman suffers through a "legitimate rape" her body has the ability to shut down and not get pregnant. First of all I've never heard of a "legitimate rape" and I had no idea a woman's body can automatically shut down and prevent pregnancy when getting raped. Mr Akin must know something I don't. This is one of the biggest whoppers I've heard from the right-wing Tea Party freakos in America. These people scare me and to think they may actually get control of the presidency and the House and Senate!!!!!  I guess this guy was leading in the polls in Missouri - I never did think the people of Missouri were the brightest in the world but now I'm convinced that my thinking was correct. And to see some right-wing fundamentalist groups are coming to his defense is beyond belief.

If the Republicans win everything in November the women of America had better watch out because your life will change dramatically.

Again, what is this country coming to????

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