Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,382. Two laughs today.

Today os Sunday, February 19, 2013. No stats today - my day off. My weight wqas 163.4 pounds.

QUOTE from Jim Doyne: "School days can be the happiest days of your life...if your kids are old enough to attend,"

My THOUGHTS  today are a couple of funnies.

From the Reader's Digest - this is a true story that happened at a military base written by a guy named Floyd G. Seay. Our personnel officer, annoyed by a report from his secretary that soldiers were using the copying machine for personal documents, posted this notice: "Troops are not to tamper with the secreatry's reproduction equipment without approval of the officer in charge."

And this one from an email. Sister Mary worked for a home health agency and, while out making her rounds, ran out of gas. Luckily, there was a gas station a block away. The attendant told her their gas can was loaned out so she went back to the car  to find some thing to hold gas. In the back seat she had a bed pan she was taking to a patient so she carried it back to the pump, filled it with gasoline and headed back to her car. As she poured the bedpans contents into her tank, two atheists slowly drove by, watching her.  One turned to the other and said "if that car starts I'm turning CATHOLIC!!!!

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