Friday, May 25, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day 26,120 in my journey through life.

Today is Friday, May 25, 2012 - a cloudy day but still no rain - there was no rain last night. The Waterloo area got several inches but we had none. I'm grateful - "I'm HIV" again.
This morning  I did yoga, lifted weights and walked 51 minutes = 2.7 miles for a May total of 59.0 miles. My weight was at 162.0 pounds.
MY THOUGHTS TODAY. This morning I read a "GUEST COLUMN" by John Sheda, pastor of Living Water Church in Independence, Iowa. The gist of the article was his words of advice to kids graduating from elementary school, high school and college. Here is what he had to say:
So to all you graduates, here's this old man's advice. (This is inspiring.)
1. First and foremost, be kind. Open doors for people, use words like "please, thank you, I'm sorry" and  "you look nice today." Kindness will open many doors in your lifetime.
2. Friends come and go over the years, but family sticks around. Love your family.
3. Be cognizant during any conversation how many times you use the word "I."
4. Remember, you are not the center of the universe. Not even close.
5. You don't always get to have your way in life.
6. Stop blaming others, making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself. Your life is your choice.
7. Sometimes you can't do anything about the "winds of change." But you can adjust "the sails."
8. Every once in a while add up how much money you're frittering away. You will be surprised.
9. A good money management rule: 10% to yourself; 10% to charity; 80% to live on.
10. No one cares if you can't dance. So what. Get up and dance anyway.
11. Every single day of your life, help someone who has no way of repayment.
12. Learn from the people who have been there and done that. Then, you be that person to others.
13. Live your life so the preacher won't have to lie at your fineral.

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