Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day #26,044 in my journey through life.

It is Thursday, April 12, 2012 - still another chilly day.

My physical fitness goals were accomplished this morning - I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked 45 minutes = 2.5 miles for an April total of 27.2 miles. And I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV." My weight was down to 164.2 pounds. I finally reached 164 after being stuck on 165 for two weeks. The trip to San Francisco added five pounds - so far I've lost four of them and have one to go to reach my pre-Frisco weight.


What is making me laugh today is a team called the Chicago Cubs. They and the Red Sox are tied for first place in total number of losses with identical records of 1-5. That means they have each won one game and lost five. I know they have 156 games left to play but what a way to start. The Cub closers are Kerry Wood and a guy named Marmol. Wood usually pitches in the seventh and eighth innings and Marmol in the ninth. Those two guys lost the first two games for the Cubs last week. The starters, Dempster in the first game and Garza in the second, were taken out in the eighth inning with the Cubs leading and then Wood and Marmol blew the games. The Cubs would be 3-3 if it wasn't for those two. Being a Cub fan means you have to be an eternal optimist or else you would go nuttier than a fruit cake. Thank God Ruth Ann and I aren't too serious about the Cubs - it allows us to laugh a lot about their futility. What else can a Cub fan do???

I used to be a Minnesota Twins fan but they are as hopeless as the Cubs. So I'm not going to double my troubles by rooting for the Twins.


Everyday I read the TODAY IN HISTORY column and this item caught my this morning.

On April 12, 1877: 'The catcher's was first used in a baseball game by James Tyng of Harvard in a game against the Lynn Live Oaks."

I could really relate to this bit of historical trivia because: At Chatfield, Minnesota, I was the catcher for Jerry Narveson in high school for three years. I would like to thank Harvard and Mr. Tyng for the mask as it was a life saver for me - especially for the foul ticks that would bounce off my mask and, many times,for the dirt balls I tried to catch/stop.

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