Friday, April 13, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day #26,045 in my journey through life.

It is Friday, April 13, 2012 - it is cold and rainy.

My accomplishments this morning: I did my yoga, lifted weights and walked 52 minutes = 2.8 miles for an April total of 30 miles.
And I'm grateful for another day of "I'm HIV."
My weight was even better today - 163.6 pounds. I've lost the five pounds I gained in San Francisco - Way to go Pete.

I need to retract my words from yesterday about the Chicago Cubs - they actually won a game and looked good doing it - they beat the Milwaukee Brewers 8-0 (Matt Garza was the winning pitcher.) They play the St. Louis Cardinals at 2:05 today. Go Cubs because "this is the year" you're going to the World Series. (That should be good for a laugh.)


I've been reading the May, 2012 edition of the Reader's Digest. I ran into a story that made me think of the words "Can You Imagine?" and "What would Jesus do?" The story was about a husband and wife in Utah who bought an older house with a garage. One day the husband was inspecting the workshop in the garage when he noticed a scrap of carpet sticking out of the ceiling. He thought that was strange so he pulled on it and an access panel to the attic pulled open. Then he grabbed a ladder and went up to see what was in the garage attic. He noticed an old WWII ammo box, opened it, and freaked out at what he saw: several rolls of money tied up in orange twine, like $800.00. He kept investigating and found seven more ammo boxes plus two big trash bags full of cash. He added it up and it came to $45,000. His first thought was that this was a blessing from God - it was the means to fix up this run-down house, to adopt a child, or to make life easier for his two kids. But he got rid of those fantasies and he and his wife knew the right thing to do was to return the monsy to the prior owners.

So he called the previous owners and told them to come over to the house as he had something to show them. The couple came over and they were shocked, of course, not only about the money but that he was returning the money. The previous owners (a brother and sister) had recently inherited the house and said it must have been their father who had hidden the money.

Can you imagine finding $45,000 in a house you just bought? I think my first thoughts would have been similar to his. But I'm positive I would have done the same thing he and his wife did - give it back. I'm a believer in the teachings of Jesus Christ. So what would Jesus do? - he would give it back.

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