Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pete's Revised BLOG - Day 26

Today is Tuesday, April 3, 2012. It is the 26,035th day of my life. This morning I did my yoga, excercise ball and walked for 36 minutes = 2.0 miles - for an April total of 4.0 miles. I weighed 165.8 pounds - I've lost three pounds since San Francisco but want to get at least two more off.

Today we made the decision NOT to go to Denmark in June for Alexandra's graduation from gymnasium. The reason is Ruth Ann'a hip hurt so bad for the six days we were in San Francisco. It was due to the 4-5 hour plane ride and the hassle of walking through the airport teminals to our departure gates (we used wheelchairs several times.) She will be seeing a specialist to see what the problem is and if she needs to have surgery again - it has been five years since she had the femur and hip ball replaced.

I read a funny article the other day by Lenore Skenazy of Creator's Syndicate. It was entitled: WATCH OUT: APRIL IS ONE OF THE SCARIEST MONTHS.

Spring is officially here as of March 21. Here are some warnings with warm weather coming.

1. Be sure and wear sunblock to prevwnt skin cancer.

2. Except that sunblock prevents the body from making Vitamin D. And Vitamin D prevents cancer. So for every cancer death the sunblock is blocking, it's blocking the Vitamin D from preventing other deaths. Got that?

3. If you drink water while outside in the warm weather be sure and drink all of it or else it will become nothing more than stagnant water. Then it will become a pool party for mosquitos who not only can carry West Nile virus but they also bite, causing itching, which must be addressed with extreme caution.

4. Then when you scratch your itches be sure your nails are trimmed and clean or you could cause an infection.

5. Now if the water has scared you off just bring food to eat but nothing with mayonaise as that can give you salmonella poisoning.And the same for undercooked chicken and don't bring overcooked chicken as that is carcinogenic.

6. And don't bring anything to eat that has carbs, fats or sugars. The reason is obvious - they can cause obesity, heart attack, diabetes.

7. And nothing with salt as it causes hypertension.

8. And no red meat as that causes strokes and heart attacks from plugging your arteries.

9, And to save your eyes be sure and wear sun glasses with 100% ultraviolet protective lenses tht extend at least to the sides of your eyes, but preferably all the way back to your ears.

10. And just to be safe this summer avoid lawn mowers, tree pollen, dogs, bees, boys and soda.

11. As dangerous as life is outside in the warm weather I think it would be a good idea to just stay in the house and drink a cold one.

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