Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pete's 26,036th day - a special day in my life.

Today is April 4, 2012. It is the 26,036th day of my journey through life. This morning I accomplished my physical fitness goals: I did my yoga breathing and stretching routine, lifted weights, and walked for 64 minutes = 3.5 miles - for an April total of 7.5 miles. My weight was steady at 165.8 pounds.


Today is a special day in the lives of Pete and Ruth Ann. Ruth Ann turned 72 years of age today. On April 4, 2009 I wrote the following in my GRATITUDE JOURNAL.

I'm grateful for April 4, 1940, because that is the day my wife, Ruth Ann Rain, was born in the bedroom of her parents farmhouse. The farm is located five miles north/northeast of Fountain, Minnesota. Fountain is located 27 miles south of Rochester on Highway 52, 25 miles north of the Iowa border. Ruth Ann was the third child born to Cyrus and Myrtle Rain - the first two were boys and the fourth was a boy - so that made her the only girl. The older boys, Bud and Maurice, said she was the spoiled one - a view she vehemently disagrees with. Anyway, Ruth Ann and I met in seventh grade, started dating in 1956 at the age of fifteen and have been together ever since. We have spent our life as a couple and our relationship has gotten stronger as the years have rolled by. We've had our ups and downs but we worked through them and are so grateful that we did - our senior citizen years have been great. We have so many joyful and happy memories from
nearly 56 years of togetherness. So what a difference maker April 4,1940 turned out to be for me - my soul mate was born that day.

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