Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pete Bungum's BLOG - Day #26,053 in my journey through life.

Today is Saturday, April 21, 2012 - another chilly April day - high in the 50s today.

This morning I did yoga, the exercise ball and walked 54 minutes = 3.0 miles for an April total of 50.4 miles. My weight was at 163.6 pounds.

GRATITUDE TODAY: I'm grateful again today to say "I'm HIV." The last couple of weeks have been good ones for daughter Carron and her friend Dave Thiher. Ruth Ann and I are grateful that they both got jobs and I know they're really grateful to have jobs. Things are looking up for the two of them and we're happy for them. And we're gratful that Dave seems to be a good and decent man. Carron deserves a man who isn't a controller and jealous - Dave seems to be the one.


After a 4-month surge, gas prices have started to fall. The worst appears to be over. Pump prices dropped 6 cents over the last two weeks and could fall another 5 cents or more next week. Gasoline prices are lower than they were a year ago in 11 states. A 10 cent drop means that American drivers would have an extra $37 million per day to spend on other things.

What things have happened to bring down the price of gasoline?

1. Oil prices have fallen.
2. Iran and the West are negotiating.
3. The growth in demand for oil has moderated.
4. The world oil supplies are rising again thanks to more production from Saudi Arabia. Libya and the U.S.
5. Oil has fallen to $103.05 per barrel, down from a peak of $110.55 on March 1.
6. U.S drivers have gotten frugal at the gas pump. Gasoline demand has dropped by about 6%, compared with the same period last year.
7. In response, gasoline futures have since dropped by 8%. That's expected to cut the price of wholesale gasoline, and those savings will be passed on at the pump.
8. Potential buyers for two East Coast refineries have emerged, so they are expected to stay open.

However, things could be reversed if: We have hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, there are inflamed Middle East tensions or there is fighting in a major oil-producing country like Iran or Nigeria - that would reduce supplies.

Let's hope those things don't happen.

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