Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,294. General Petraeus - was it worth it?

Today is Wednesday, November 14, 2012. My stats today: 10 minites of yoga, 10 minutes of lifting weights and 37 minutes of walking=2.0 miles for a November total of 30.2 miles. My weight was 165.2 pounds.

QUOTE from Epictetus: "In every affair consider what precedes and what follows."

My THOUGHTS today: I wonder if General Petraeus thought about the quote when he had his affair. What preceded was having a good looking married woman become his biographer and then what followed was sex resulting in a severe tarnishing of his brilliant career and probably the end of his marriage of 38 years to Holly. How stupid can you get?
I've been trying to put together all the pieces of this affair. After studying the morning paper I now kind of have an understanding of the relationship between Petraeus, Paula Broadwell (biographer), Jill Kelley, General Allen, Natalie Khawam (Kelley's twin sister), and the shirtless FBI agent.
One conclusion I've reached is that the title of Kelley's book could not have been more appropriate; the title is "All In". There was something "all in" alright - it was the penis of Petraeus "all in" Kelley's vagina.

HUMOR for today: Benjamin Franklin said:
Nor enjoy a fair wife without danger of HORNS."

Do you suppose Petraeus and Jill Kelley can relate to this?

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