Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pete's BLOG-Day 26,323. Feeding America

Today is Thursday, December 13, 2012. My stats today: 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes on the exercise ball and 45 minutes of walking = 2.5 mkles for a December total of 27.3 miles. my weight was 164.0 pounds.

QUOTE from my Chinese fortune cookie: " Hope for the best but prepare for the worst."

My THOUGHTS  today are about an organization called  Feeding America. This organization's goal is to provide food to the nearly 49 million Americans, including more than 16 million children, who are facing hunger right now. By working with growers, retailers, food manufacturers, wholesalers and restaurants they obtain food that may otherwise be thrown away and distribute it to local charities like food pantries, soup kitchens, senior centers, homeless shelters, youth programs and afterschool programs.
Anyway, I've been giving them money since 2009, when I first learned about them. Yesterday, I got a letter from  Feeding America thanking me for my $30.00 donation this year. They said my $30.00 means: $480.00 worth of food and groceries distributed; 300 pounds of food saved; 240 meals for hungry people across America. It makes me feel good I can help and I'm grateful I have the financial means to help a great organization like this. What is sad is that the U.S is the largest food producer in the world and yet we have a hunger problem - it doesn't make sense.

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